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2 3/4 inch .410?


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Hi All


Just purchased a secondhand single barrel .410, and it has a 70mm chamber.

Seems pretty odd, as all the .410 carts are either 2 1/2 or 3 inch.

I would imagine the cost of reaming out the chamber to 3 inch, and getting it re-proofed would be more than its worth.

But why on earth is it an 'in between' chamber length?



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I suppose its not beyond the realms of possibility that at some time in the past these cartridges were available but have since died out through lack of demand?


I think thats the case (no pun intended) I've seen a few 2.75" chambered older .410 guns.


One solution to avoid the 1/4" chamber gap from the end of a 2.5" cart to the forcing cone, it to cut down once fired 3" carts to suit (and to be on the safe side load with 2.5" recipes working up to a suitable load from there. Third to half (brand dependant) of a sheet of packed bog roll inside a plastic wad ahead of the shot will lift the column a ball park 1/4", for example, exact height would depend on the finished type of crimp used/preferred, if one were to stick with 2.5" loading data).

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CIP says it's a recognised chamber / cartridge length:




I wondered if you might have one or other of the two sizes either side of the 70mm as the tolerances would let them almost overlap, but I suspect if it's stamped "410/70", that's probably what it is.


Unless you've somehow managed to lay your hands on an actual 36 gauge... :)

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