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Firewood in/near Norwich


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Gents ( Ladies)


Looking at a place in Norwich ( rental) for a couple of years until the present work contract finishes.

Whilst I fell and utilise all the wood from around our place here, over there in Norfolkshire I don't think felling the landlords trees will go down too well ????


So, what's a nice cheap / reliable place or supplier of logs? Costs approx would be appreciated.


Many thanks , soooooo much to organise in the next few weeks it's scary.

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Thanks for the replies.


Jeez, your right- prices must have risen in the last few years since I left.


Out here it's 90 for a cubic meter from an independent or 130 euro from the local equivalent of B&Q.


Since we started felling our own we have not purchased in years.

Guess I'm gonna have to bite the bullet- or midnight runs out to Horsford woods :-)

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mind what you get up to in them thar woods, I have a couple of cousins who work for the forestry, they'll roger you rigid if they catch you stealing their trees


When I was late teens early twenties I tell you what-- the amount of 'wood' I had in them woods was amazing, then again so we're some of the girls :-)


Serious note, good ole EDP- shall have to get back into reading that

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