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Expanding a business

Doc Holliday

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Expanding doesn't always mean more profit but it does mean a dammed sight more headaches as you have found out. When your forced to rely on others they usually let you down.

Only way I think is train your own apprentices get two and both are good great if not keep the best let the other go. Too many wide boys about these days. Still some good old boys around but getting knackered now and their days tend to be short ones, work well and know there stuff because they got trained right.

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There is a big difference from doing something well yourself and being able to manage others to do it on your behalf. Very few in small business want to share and even less are able to recognise there own failings in management. Its a whole new area of skills.


Huge upside if you can get it right even though you would have to trade now for tomorrow.

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