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Fly fishing


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If you can't find any wild brown trout around Essex you could try fly fishing for chub and dace in small rivers through the summer. I was lucky back in Sth. York's in that there were several rivers where I could fish for trout and grayling in free stretches of rivers such as the Dearne, Don, Dove and Holme and I also used to do quite a bit of chub & dace fishing in the lower reaches. Large chub on the fly can be quite a challenge. Far harder than trout fishing in my opinion. And with dace you need the reflexes of a snake to hit the takes, but it is quite addictive. You can catch perch and roach too.



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That one was from the Dearne near Harlington. I saw it swirling near to some reeds on the far bank and guessed that it was feeding on nymphs as it was too early for fry, so I put on a log shanked Pheasant Tail Nymph and got it first chuck. I had a lot of chub on brown Woolly B-uggers when sight fishing and also on tiny nymphs suspended about 6" under a floating Elk Hair Caddis, New Zealand style. With chub you have to be very stealthy as unlike trout that normally lay facing upstream they are often roving the river and can be facing any direction. If you spook one, you spook all the chub in the whole length. Chub and larger perch are very wary of drag too. They won't take a downstream fly that is dragging like trout and grayling do. The drift has to be spot on.

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Good luck with the barbel . Think I'm going to go to chigborough next weekend to get a bit of practice in before I head to hanningfield on the 11th of march cannot wait . Think I need to restock on buzzers , Fly box seems a bit low on them . Wish I could try for some wild browns would love to try that . Definitely going to take the fly rod on the beach in the summer to try for a bass . Could you suggest a basic setup for trying for bass on the fly ?


Many thanks

Don't forget EU Bass regulations.


:unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy:

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Early season at Ladybower Reservoir was usually hard. A lot of the times the trout were right on the bottom and I used a Hi-D line with a very short, i.e. 12" leader and a floating bug that would hover just off the bottom and not get caught up in the many stones on the lake bed. Retrieve was very sloooooow. A bit like zig fishing for carp without the bivvy, bed chair and alarms :lol:

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Well just got back a hour ago from hanningfield and it was a really hard day . First thing this morning saw a huge hatch happening so put on some buzzers nothing on them . Tried daiwl bachs nothing . Ended up with 2 fish on the floating line both on a consett budgie on a very long leader with a slow figure of 8 . Nothing was interested on the damsel and cruncher I fished above it . Fish were 4 1/4 lb and 1 3/4 lbpost-79264-0-71301100-1489259737_thumb.png


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Last season I had 28 fish . 26 on the floating line and 2 on a sinking line . I have only picked up fly fishing again last year (used to do it when I was a teenager though I'm only in my mid twenties now haha )so my gear is pretty basic but I'm very keen and love to learn . For me there is nothing better then catching a fish on buzzers and nymphs but sometimes needs must haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

They don't fight like trout. But they are tasty (and it is free fishing) :)

Excellent! Brilliant in fact. I'm curious what size hook you're using to tie your worm flies on, and what the dressing is? Crystal chenille or something of that ilk? I'm going to be in the UK (Wales) for a couple of weeks in early June and I know for a fact that the little estuary near where we'll be staying holds flatties because 40+ years ago I used to catch on flounder spoons. It would be great to dig out the flyrod and give them a go.

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