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00/SG Fibre Buckshot Reloading

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Does anyone on here reload 00/SG 9 pellet buckshot for practical shotgun in fibre variety they could share. I've searched the web and can only come up with plastic wad data mostly from american sites. I have also asked clay and game but they didn't answer and I have a few of their data sheets.

I am due to go to clay and game in two weeks time to pick up so powder and a few other bits so I can buy anything they stock. Any help would be appreciated.



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I no longer have a physical reloading manual it got mixed up in the recycling pile.

I've looked at the BPI products website but can't see where I would download any pages. Could you link to the right page? Does anyone have the BPI Buckshot manual? Does that contain fibre loads if it does I'll buy a copy as Clay Game sells it, just want to get a list together so they have it all when i go.

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Any fibre load will work for buckshot as long as its weight for weight with ordinary shot. You are not going to be shooting deer so you don't need 1600 fps. The overall shot column may be a bit bigger than with birdshot so you may have to adjust the height of the wads to compensate. Other than that its business as usual

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Any fibre load will work for buckshot as long as its weight for weight with ordinary shot. You are not going to be shooting deer so you don't need 1600 fps. The overall shot column may be a bit bigger than with birdshot so you may have to adjust the height of the wads to compensate. Other than that its business as usual

I had read that but wasn't sure so I thought I'd ask here first.

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I have the 4th edition of the Buckshot Manual and all loads are plastic gas seals or plastic wads as far as I can see. I load various buckshot loads mainly to American data as per above manual. A nitro card and fibre load would be easy to make from a bird shot loading the same payload weight as suggested above. What components are you planning to use UK or US?

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Please report back with results/data/components as I am sure many would rather load this type of shot for the small amount that we use in PSG. Having said that I picked up a box (the last in stock) of buffalo 32g SG fibre for £9.50 from Countryway in West Malling Kent. I believe its a regular stock item that sells like hot cakes

Edited by impala59
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Does anyone on here reload 00/SG 9 pellet buckshot for practical shotgun in fibre variety they could share. I've searched the web and can only come up with plastic wad data mostly from american sites. I have also asked clay and game but they didn't answer and I have a few of their data sheets.

I am due to go to clay and game in two weeks time to pick up so powder and a few other bits so I can buy anything they stock. Any help would be appreciated.



andy was in newbury shooting on saturday story of my life but have 20 000 to deliver when ready so giz a ring with your number coz i will be back down in 10 days also have some solid slugs from gualandi in stock cheers george 07714 323 909

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andy was in newbury shooting on saturday story of my life but have 20 000 to deliver when ready so giz a ring with your number coz i will be back down in 10 days also have some solid slugs from gualandi in stock cheers george 07714 323 909

George your sales technique is very confusing you show no list or prices on your website of what you have for-sale but throw items in randomly on different posts. Why not put a list on your website? From PW posts, PM and rumours you have CX primers, wads, shot, slugs, cases and various powders Vectan & Lovex for sale. What other goodies are you hiding? Surely a price list on your website would be the way to go like other suppliers. Prices coming soon .................... How soon?

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andy was in newbury shooting on saturday story of my life but have 20 000 to deliver when ready so giz a ring with your number coz i will be back down in 10 days also have some solid slugs from gualandi in stock cheers george 07714 323 909

That would have been ideal but I'll be in York on 25th driving up on 24th so we'll be heading in opposite directions. I'll try and phone you in the next day or so anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

Just to update this thread. After my successful attempt at reloading some general purpose rounds I am going to give the buckshot a go. I'm going to use the load below and see how it goes. I'm expecting to have to cut the wads slightly. Hopefully if I finish painting early I will be able to give it a go this evening. I will post pictures and update how it goes for those who expressed interest.

12g 70mm PT hull
CX2000 Primer
24gr Vectan A1
4mm 12g Nitro Card
17mm 12g fibre Wad
32g SG
6 point Crimp
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