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Woodbury Common


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I did lots of training on Woodbury common going thru recruit training for the marines..


We used to get horrible rashes and skin infections due to all the weapons tested on their in WW2

Wasn't that termed the 'Woodbury Rash' or similar? First I've heard about that cause, believing it was from some of the flora. Mind you as I spent years as a lad crawling around up there earning pocket money from collecting 303 cases without a blemish, I always figured it was caused by mixing with the wrong company in The Ship. :lol:

Edited by wymberley
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Dog just quoted and didn't put the reply.

You most likely didn't get it as you wernt run down.

Caused in recruits due to them been so run down there immune systems compromised so withe the prolonged exposure and rub down immune systems is why the lads are more prone to it.

Thanks for that. One of my lads is in The Corps and I had the pleasure of working with them for over 10 years as a Chief Range Warden at the Point and have never learned that. Are you going with the weapons testing or the flora?

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