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A couple of hours with Bob on the peas.

aga man

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I had the chance to escape the household for a couple of hours tonight and having had a few txt’s from farmers mentioning pigeons on pea fields, I thought I would head out and take my young dog Bob for a spot of decoying. We arrived at field of just sprouting peas at 4pm after a very damp and drizzly afternoon.
Bob is almost two now and although I started training him at 8 months, tonight was to be his first time out decoying. He has been out roosting and flighting with me a couple of times.
I have to say Bob was a very steady dog in the hide tonight and made some decent retrieves including bringing a wounded bird back to me. A situation which he had previously avoided.
At 6pm the rain returned and we packed up with a modest 13 birds. It was great to be out after so long and I was really pleased with Bob. The pigeons were about but didn’t really decoy.

One very happy man and his dog went home this evening.

Thanks for reading.






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