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I've done quite a bit of subbing to various of them over the years, but haven't come across a genuine good guy yet, and am beginning to believe there isn't any out there.

Have been working for a lady locally who is in dispute with hers.

Her house is 8 years old and she has lived in it for two of them, and her windows are not long for this world.

I'll admit they seem to have been neglected over the years but when she asked me why they were in such poor condition I told her probably because they kept moving due to the fact they are probably just treated softwood, and as such they are 'moving'. Turns out they are indeed treated softwood.

Tapping on the reveals shows most of them are blown, with one bathroom window reveals cracked down each side allowing water to track down inside and sit on the cills, under the paint. This means the wood never dries out but remains constantly wet underneath the paint.

Have had this cill spliced in with hardwood this last week.

A neighbour came and asked me if I'd have a look at hers across the road from this property, and after explaining what was going on I simply peeled paint from her cills like tape to reveal wet wood below.

Altogether four neighbours have now asked me to repair and repaint their windows; but some owners in desperation to keep out the weather have resorted to liberally applying silicone to windows and doors; in some places even the glazing bars. Silicone is a nightmare for a painter.

I'm not a fan of uPVC but this is a conservation area anyhow, and local companies which make genuinely excellent wooden framed double glazed units are very expensive in comparison, so for a few of these owners whose warranties are expired, the options are limited.

I know why property developers work like this, I just cant understand how they can live with the hassle of daily phone calls from frustrated and annoyed owners. I think they must be a different ( or indifferent ) breed from normal folk.

Anyhow, just a minor rant. :)

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I've done quite a bit of subbing to various of them over the years, but haven't come across a genuine good guy yet, and am beginning to believe there isn't any out there.

Have been working for a lady locally who is in dispute with hers.

Her house is 8 years old and she has lived in it for two of them, and her windows are not long for this world.

I'll admit they seem to have been neglected over the years but when she asked me why they were in such poor condition I told her probably because they kept moving due to the fact they are probably just treated softwood, and as such they are 'moving'. Turns out they are indeed treated softwood.

Tapping on the reveals shows most of them are blown, with one bathroom window reveals cracked down each side allowing water to track down inside and sit on the cills, under the paint. This means the wood never dries out but remains constantly wet underneath the paint.

Have had this cill spliced in with hardwood this last week.

A neighbour came and asked me if I'd have a look at hers across the road from this property, and after explaining what was going on I simply peeled paint from her cills like tape to reveal wet wood below.

Altogether four neighbours have now asked me to repair and repaint their windows; but some owners in desperation to keep out the weather have resorted to liberally applying silicone to windows and doors; in some places even the glazing bars. Silicone is a nightmare for a painter.

I'm not a fan of uPVC but this is a conservation area anyhow, and local companies which make genuinely excellent wooden framed double glazed units are very expensive in comparison, so for a few of these owners whose warranties are expired, the options are limited.

I know why property developers work like this, I just cant understand how they can live with the hassle of daily phone calls from frustrated and annoyed owners. I think they must be a different ( or indifferent ) breed from normal folk.

Anyhow, just a minor rant. :)


I have often thought when they was building houses not that long ago why did they put in soft wood window frames as most people tend to change them for UPVC ones as soon as they can afford it for what it would have cost to do the job properly when they made or dun up the houses it seems to me that they are just greedy *******.


As for UPVC windows I think they are a bit of a con they say that they are long lasting and you never need to paint them but they do not last that long if you use them and I hate the size of the plastic part it blocks out lots of light I tend to think the alloy ones was better apart from the condensation problem but there must be a way around that.

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hello, would it not come under the new house build N H B C regulations


Yes, she has been in constant contact with NHBC; they have contacted the property developer who has sent subbies out to make good the reveals.....six times; each time a different crew. I had a look at the last lot and the SPR had been applied over the mesh on the angle beads but the loose base hadn't been hacked away, so basically the new render had been trowelled onto an already loose base.

Her neighbours have had leaking Velux's; render dropping out of roof edges; and the never-ending blown reveals as well as seemingly never ending peeling paint.


The big property developers will have "minions" answering the complaint calls, whilst they are sipping their G&T's on their gin palaces!! In my experience the bigger the developer the worse they are!

The head honcho himself turned up the other day in his Range Rover Sport. It was the first time I'd met him but I literally don't know anyone who has a good word to say

about him. He has promised to pay me an extra £500 quid for 'extras', and he has forked out for a scaffold for me and has given the owner a six year guarantee on the new cill. We'll see. :)


Just makes us good guys look even better :good:

:yes: I can only think of one job we have ever been called back to, and that was simply because the architect didn't understand Tradis.

Edited by Scully
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