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New to wildfowling


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Hello all


My name is John and I live in West Sussex, I am currently after any and all advice on wildfowling so I'm sure some of you nice people would be kind enough to help me and also point me in the right direction?


I have sent a few messages to associations my way with no replies? Apart from a nice lady from cwa, the chairman is back tomorrow and hopefully going to contact me, this is right next to me and I would really like to join them, only thing is it's closed for members this year.


I am hoping that I can get on some flights through the basc permit scheme, even help anywhere with conservation or day out with any members as a visitor not to shoot but just to gain any experience and knowledge of wildfowling and water craft?


All help would be massively appreciated, thanks all.


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Langstone WA replied to John on Monday.


He was also given a personal mobile phone number for the New Members Secretary given that he`s left it very, very late in the day to apply to join.


Thus far he has not contacted the NMS.


John, if you read this you might want to check your spam in case the email has ended up in there.

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Glad your interested John in this Great Sport we all enjoy my advice would be first try it out as a visitor if you get any replys from any of your local clubs If you decide to stay at the Sport then you will have to GET a Dog as with fowling you will def need one plus having a dog for company on the Marsh is Great.Be warned once you try wildfowling and like it thats all you can think off :)You should be able to pick up advice ie safety were to shoot reading the Tides etc Just take your time you will pick up bits of equipment the more you get into it mate

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