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Ghillie Suit Reccomendations

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The best thing to do mate is make your own, if you PM me i can tell you what you need and basics on how to make it. Its relativly easy but just takes a long time.


The bonus of making it yourself is you can tailor the colours to your requirement, Woodland, Stubble and the like


If there is enough interest i can make one from scratch with pics as instructions or provide detailed written instructions.

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Sounds interesting. You have to appreciate that I am an *** when it comes to making stuff, DIY, fixing things. I am of course not turning down your offer of Instructions, but I thought you should know I am a complete idiot when it comes to being practicle :lol:

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well in that case try and faind a handmade one they are beter than the off the shelf variants in my opinion anyway. i have never bought one but have a suit for most occasions, i have trialed the commercial stuff when it first came out but u staill cant beat the old burlap or hessian as it wears and frays with use adding to the effect

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It does depend what you want the ghillie suit for.


The very large ones (yeti style) are not designed for walking about in and get very hot and cumbersome.

They also assume the shooter is going to be shooting prone and not swinging a gun.


I wear a light weight net cammo suit over my normal clothes (incl waterproof coat), which is ideal for hide shooting and roost shooting.

Its called the Cabelas Bug Suit and cost me about $30, I think.

Warning: it is not designed for ploughing through brambles, barbed wire fences etc., other than that, its quite tough.

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Cranny, Its gonna be used generally for hiding in areas with some cover whilst i shoot wabbits. Some I just cant get near due to little or no cover. For example the middle off and the not so well coverd areas of this feild.



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Ok, I will give that a go Carnny before I spend out. I should have a Stealth Cammo net arrving sometime next week with a bit of luck.

Lee I have been draping a stealth net over myself while wearing a camo mask and camo jacket/trousers. A pigeon landed with a friend within 5 yrds of me! (Unfortunately it was the one moment I had got my fone to text the missus, saying nothing was about :thumbs: ) and crows have been flying happily over my head at 8+ft if crows cant see me and pigeons land happily, then I imagine bunnies would be a push over!



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I also need to get a light weight jacket and trousers as the trousers I am using at the moment are the Deer hunter Real Tree one's. triple lined etc etc. bloody hot. Although I have lost alot of weight :unsure:



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I really wouldn't bother for shooting rabbits. Honestly.


Get downwind of them, stay still and you could be wearing a luminous pink 'borat' style all-in-one and they still wouldn't see you :unsure:


It's the staying still bit that does it, rabbits can see movement miles away, but they don't see detail or colours.

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