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Free Spell Checker.


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lol @ Cranners :lol::lol: ...just thinking the same thing mate, whatever happened to detention for getting your spellings wrong? :lol:









You young fellas, not like that in my day, etc, etc................................................. :lol:

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ollie, my keyboard doesn,t have an apostrophe.

Merriam Webster say that the comma is an "acceptable form", so I went with it. :lol:


I seriously wasn,t having a dig at anyone, with the SpellChecker.

Its something I have wanted.

I,ve looked at ones you have to pay for, then found the free one and thought I would share it with anybody else who was interested.

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ollie, my keyboard doesn,t have an apostrophe.

:lol: I did't know my keyboard had one until i was pulled up for not using it by a certain Welsh chap in the PW Arms recently. :*)


Mine is on the lower casement of the @ key. Still i have only been using it for 3 years and there are at least 15 other keys that i haven't a clue what they are for.


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I,m not being sarcastic, or having a dig at anyone, but here is a very good free Spell Checker. :lol:



No offence cranners but you need a grammer check, there should be an apostrophe between the I and m not a comma. For example: I'm :lol::lol::lol:

Do you mean grammar?

I wasn't talking about spelling I was talking about grammar :*) (yeh I spelt it right that time), I know my spelling is dodgy.

And ern you made one post before it was spotted so you didn't notice my mistake so stop laughing. :lol::lol:;)

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