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A pleasant turn of events.


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Having seen a good line of pigeons going over some old bean stubble/ direct drilled wheat for last week or so I took the opportunity today to try and make a bag. I had invited JDog to join and the plan was set to meet at 9am.

On arrival we could see very little in the way of pigeon activity and this did not improve over the following hour or so. However it was a pleasure to see a large flock of fieldfares pouring into a Hawthorn hedge to devour the abundant fruit.


With the pigeons not playing ball and the wind picking up we had a look at a sheltered field of rape. There were around a hundred in and around the rape but they did not return after being walked off. Things were not looking too good.


Being kind gent that he is, JDog suggested we look at a bean stubble he has permission to shoot.  

There were birds there and they were flighting into the field. We set up around d 11.30and the birds began to come, 1s,2s and groups up to fifty strong. I shot poorly but JDog kept on dropping some challenging birds on the increasing wind. This pattern continued until it was time to pack up at 2.30._

We finished up with a bag of 36 pigeons, the majority of which provided some testing shots.


A special mention must go to Jasper the dog who followed a hard hit bird a few hundred yards across some deep plough, returning with his bounty quite some time after we had lost sight of him.

From a disappointing start a great was had in good company. Thanks again JDog for your generosity.

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I didn't think it would take long for you two Lincolnshire yellow bellies to shoot pigeons together. Nice that you show appreciation in your post Clodhopper. JDog is a great bloke with lots of knowledge and enthusiasm for pigeon shooting.

You did well to shoot the 36 at the moment.

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1 minute ago, JDog said:

One thing we both learnt today was that sometimes the rotary needs taking down. Once we did that pigeons which had been previously veering off at 60m came closer and within range for a shot.

I did the same on Sunday and found the  line  I was shooting got far busier with it down.  

Sometimes it works sometimes it don't but there' only one way to find out. 

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