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clay traps for sale


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Due to the ignorance of townies buying up country houses then objecting to the sound of guns on ONE sunday a month I am closing my shoot down and therefore have some traps for sale

3x fairey doubles with stands

1x fairey single

1x bowman double on sled stand

2x lightweight doubles

2x rabbit traps


We have spare springs for all of the above. The faireys espescially are heavy duty and so would need to be bought by someone fairly local.

I will throw in a box of clays with the above as well



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well hes not getting one.

The prices for the traps are negotiable.

If you buy the all at once the price will be considerably cheaper.

If I have breeched the rules I will apologise to the mods only.

A clay pigeon trap is not the sort of thing you would buy on impulse.

You probably have a good idea that you want one.

Therefore I do not feel it is unreasonable in any context for the prospective purchaser to PM me to discuss further his requirements types of birds, budgets etc and we would hopefully be able to come to a mutually beneficial conclusion.


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If the prices are negotiable then surely you should put up a starting price for each of the traps. As has already been stated you must do for items in the for sale section. I think that with your attitude in your reply to a resonable question you may find that people will not now want to buy from you.

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Do YOU want buy a trap pipmoff?

Send me a mail about your requirements, size of land, spread of birds then we can work out which trap is best for you which spring assembly and stand you want it on and which blades you want on it and then we could talk about a price. There are for the uninitiated alot of combos on these trappy things and prive is variant on all these.

Do drop me a line ol' bean and we can talk


P.s all traps will be less than 100 of your english pounds. This may increase with P&P though if necessary

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Due to the ignorance of townies buying up country houses then objecting to the sound of guns on ONE sunday a month I am closing my shoot down and therefore have some traps for sale

3x fairey doubles with stands

1x fairey single

1x bowman double on sled stand

2x lightweight doubles

2x rabbit traps


We have spare springs for all of the above. The faireys espescially are heavy duty and so would need to be bought by someone fairly local.

I will throw in a box of clays with the above as well




JDF, I MIGHT be interested in buying one or two of your traps. When you deside a price please PM me.



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I have done some tidying up on this thread.


Due to the nature of this sale, we accept it is going to be difficult to price each item accurately, as not only is a quantity discount available, but the P&P involved could be complex and costly, collection therefore would be the best bet.


jimdfish has indicated that the traps are less than £100 each and I have asked him to be a bit more specific and post a range.


If you are not interested in buying these items, please don't post on this thread.

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Right then. have been looking for a second hand trap to launch a few clays for my own personal pleasure.


Dont need anything fancy as long as it has a seat. I have no idea what any of the traps you have mentioned look like.


Are any of them suitable for me?


Can you post some pics?



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cranfield the rule's state you must put a price

give a price end of story

but will this be seen or choppped :good:








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all traps are between 50 and sixty pounds dependent on stand condition, springs etc. It would be preferable if the buyer collected as transport may double the price making the deal not a very good one. Clays will be included in the price and all traps can be seen working before you buy.




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