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Sean R

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When shooting magpies, do you recommend that I leave the dead ones out or should they be collected in asap? I have been asked to shoot an area that attracts magpies early in the morning and was just wondering whether leaving them out would act as a magnet to the others in the flock or whether it would scare them away?

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I'm told that if you put a magpie and a crow on a rotary, it really pulls them in, although i've never tried this myself.


The most efficient way to get rid of magpies is by using a Larsen trap, and provided that you can start with a live call bird, (speak nicely to any local gamekeeper to get one to start you off), you will be catching within minutes of putting the trap out.


Good Luck :lol::lol::lol::lol:;)

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When shooting magpies, do you recommend that I leave the dead ones out or should they be collected in asap? I have been asked to shoot an area that attracts magpies early in the morning and was just wondering whether leaving them out would act as a magnet to the others in the flock or whether it would scare them away?

try a dead rabbit .to decoy the maggies in

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If you are shooting them in a plantation of some sort, place them up the tree after shooting them they act as great decoys and I have had great success with this in the past. I agree that a larsen trap is deadly for getting rid of crows and magpies.

You can also use a predator call to call magpies straight into you (rabbit distress call), if they are in the vicinity they will come straight to you.


Hope this was helpful, ollie

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I have'nt got a rotor unfortunately. I've been looking to make one but have'nt yet found the right materials or plans or had the time to make it. If anyone has the plans for or knows where I can get them from I'd be extremely grateful.




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to sean r


well mate, i reccomend u get round my farm n shoot as many of the bloomin things as soon as you can. p.s. bring that handy single barrell as well will u!!

im still on a high after i shot that 1 one other day.

( just incase u r getting worried it is ur best m8 )

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