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Moggy scuffle


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Always hard to tell with a politician but he seems pretty genuine. Yes he tends to walk the party line with a lot of his comments but equally he is very blunt about his personal views on abortion and gay marriage. He's wealthy enough already to not care about the money he could make so that is a definite plus in his favour. He seems to have largely followed the Roman tradition of making his money and then entering public service to do some good.

He's obviously very clever and an outstanding debater who never seems to be ruffled, not matter what is thrown at him.

He also made one of the best radio introductions ever whilst standing in for James O'Brian on LBC

"Good morning this is Jacob Rees-Mogg standing in for James O'Brian, so it's bad news for all you lefty snowflakes out there, because it's going to be a change of tone . . ."

He doesn't seem to want any significant position in the Conservative party though, which may in some ways be a good thing, as it could force him to compromise much more than he does on the back benches. Then again we could be losing an outstanding statesman. I guess time will tell.

I like him a lot.

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