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Suffolk shooter

Kirky's return  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Do PW members want him to return

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Kirky says that he is happy where he is! He visits another site now and as a moderator on that other site I can honestly say that his attitude to other users has been nothing other than polite and gentlemanly! I know that he had issues on here, but I do believe that this was a clash of personalities with one moderator! He knows who he is, some of you do too! I don't need to mention any names! Not saying that anyone is right or wrong but Kirky is a good bloke, was he unfairly treated?




Hi DM, say hello to him for me please, is he able to see all this "from the other side" :good:


:good: D2D


He's seen your posts guys! :lol:

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Kirky would often send me a pm , because although we never met we live within 30 miles , and would discuss the bags we had taken , or weather conditions. He came across as a person with shooting and field sports in general in his blood . I think his contribution to this site is missed by many . I have not voted because i am unaware of his crime , and until then , i have to take the view that , the mods are here for a reason and they would have not taken the decision lightly.

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Kirky would often send me a pm , because although we never met we live within 30 miles , and would discuss the bags we had taken , or weather conditions. He came across as a person with shooting and field sports in general in his blood . I think his contribution to this site is missed by many . I have not voted because i am unaware of his crime , and until then , i have to take the view that , the mods are here for a reason and they would have not taken the decision lightly.



I too have had a few PMs with Kirky and also formed the same opinion, but I have voted for his return since whatever he did surley doesnt deserve a lifetime ban, must soon be up for parole anyway?


:good: D2D

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It doesnt take long to re-create a new login and you have a whole new person..


He could be one of them noobs...


"The newest member is beetlecrap"


could this be the new face of Kirky?



You would need a new IP address othewise it can be picked up.

Also you can detect a certain "style" and speeling/grammer mistakes that are consistent. Plus I have heard a rumour that the Mods have been trained by FBI profilers to combat such shenanigans.



Unless you have a static I.P address which alot of standard home users wont, then they can simply re-boot their router and pick up a new I.P dynamically from their ISP. I dont know much about the backend of a forum, but presumably the only thing they can go buy is the users External I.P (that the ISP issue)

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Daz, I think you will find the changing of an IP adress via the router is actually, internal IP's i.e. those computer's within your home network. Don't forget also, they would probably be able to MAC address filter Kirky! I was of the understanding that Kirky was only on a temp bran and could come back after X amount of time.


DM I appreciate your loyalty to the lad but if he broke the rules he broke the rules, its not as if he was singled out and made an example of. Either way I am not fussed but remember once you start letting people back after being banned etc, it does weaken mods authority and also runs the risk of the whole "one rule for one, one rule for another" arguement.



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i know rules are rules and all that, but i don't think a life time ban is appropriate (no matter what he did) you only get 15yrs for murder!!

although i do not know the guy or what he did, so i voted yes let back (if he wants to)


just tried to vote and it said i have already voted (something not quite right going on here)

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