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Every Little Helps

Sha Bu Le

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Mrs SBL shopping in the supermarket, goes to fruit & veggie counter. While looking at whatever; she noticed some very dark looking peaches on the shelf above. A closer look see showed they had very thick fur coats and were also very squishy. Mrs SBL being like a terrier on a rat over such things looked a bit further along the fruit stall. Which revealed nectarines in the same condition followed by raspberries, both squishy and mouldy.

Not being one to let thing go she collected all of the fruit and piled it up at the very front of the stall a total of 20+ items across 4 fruits . Then she went to cash her stuff out.

Told the girl at the self service checkout machines only to be met with total indifference. So she grabbed another assistant and laid the same situation on her. This time a bit more interest shown which also gets the attention of the first girl. By now Mrs is fairly brassed off so tells the two to do something about it or she will take a pic and put it on FB. 

Mrs pays for her stuff and leaves watching Miss's A and B in the distance shoving armfuls of fruit into carrier bags.

Now seems not a big deal but she has seen the same thing in the big store of the same name, (this one was a metro store) and more than once. Also seen it .in the same name store in Carlisle. Before anyone says name and shame, I already have, the clue is in the thread title.

Now two things come to mind 1) the staff are totally inept or 2) Management don't give a flying fig, rather think its the latter.

So folks beware when shopping at the store who believes every little helps, cos if its happening in three stores 75 miles apart its happening in all their stores

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After working for a certain supermarket, every little helps, for a number of years, it would be my guess that it was the said management at fault. And that you had disturbed them in one of their special meetings on that day, they are after all just useless, hairy vegetables.

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I often wonder why it is that when genuine complaints are treated indifferently the complainant lets matters rest there and walks off in disgust. Is it fear of embarrassment that stops them escalating matters there and then. One word which causes consternation in such circumstance is "unacceptable". E.g. " your answer / response is unacceptable" followed by "I would like to see the manager as my complaint is not just about the product but also your (the salespersons) unacceptable response to my complaint".

Have genuinely had to take this stance twice in about the last six months. It's a pity, as in both cases it seemed to me that the staff had not been trained properly so the responsibility was not theirs alone.

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