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Trapping Magpies


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Hi Guys,


I have just been sniffing around the RSPB website in response to Jonos concern about wood pigeon numbers when I came across another little chestnut.


With regard to trapping Magpies, I found this little ditty:


"Is it legal to trap magpies?


Magpies can be trapped and killed but there must be a specific reason and the person doing it must hold a licence. Please contact Wildlife Enquiries for further information."


I think this is confusing as I believe they are refering to the DEFRA Open Licence and if this is the case, then their wording is misleading.


Any thoughts?





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My understanding of The Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 is that it is not illegal for Larsen traps to be used to catch magpies, provided that you have the authority of the owner or occupier of the land.


However, I am not a lawyer, and I could be wrong so it pays not to place the trap where it can be seen easily by Joe Public.


Also don't start trapping until early April - there is no point in starting this early and the call birds can die of the cold if used at this time of year.

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I believe, and I maybe wrong. But DEFRA signs what is known as a General Licence this enables all authorised person(s) as stated by Double H to trap magpies.


Countryside act 1981Section 5 (1)(a,b,c,d,e)

It is not unlawful for an authorised person to use a cage trap or net to take pest species



Larsen traps have to of a certain size. i.e. be large enough that the decoy bird can stand up right. and be wide enough for the decoy bird to spread it's wings.

Remember fresh food & water. A healthy call bird will catch more corvids


Countryside act 1981. Section 8 (1)

it is an offence to keep or confine any bird in a cage or receptacle which in length, breadth or height will not permit the bird to stretch it's winds freely. The exceptions are


1. poultry

2. When conveying birds

3. At public show/ competion for a period not exceeding 72 hours

4. when undergoing treatment by a vet.

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