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Salmon rod /reel combo


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Ive been a avid trout angler for river trout fly fishing the last 10 years here in Northern Ireland My ambition is to get into salmon river fly fishing For next year im gona book a couple lessons on double handed fly rods[DONT WANT to turn up and scare the fish?] wanted to ask salmon anglers on forum what advice would you give me on rod/reel make rod length line etc And anyone from the north of Ireland any advice which rivers worth a day out?

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How longs a piece of string... there's a good shop in Newtownards AM Angling I'm sure he'll keep you right and have the answers. I bought a 2nd hand rod from him last year. With this weather salmon fishing has been pretty dire in the whole of British Isles as very few will be entering the river systems, there will be some fat seals in the estuaries, but when the rain does come hopefully things will pick up.

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I'll caveat and say I'm only a newcomer to salmon fishing myself, but as most rivers in NI aren't that big, 14' might be overgunning a bit with esp. with the adoption of shooting heads. As you say money on lessons will be well spent, and try a few rods I'm sure Michael at AM could put you onto someone and maybe some rods to try. 

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Stick to worming for the beggers.....13ft will be fine the rest is over my head nowadays ive a rod/reel an intermediate line and box of flys if there there, fresh,and runnin they take anything if not in mood get ready for severe depression.....salmon fishing is like takin drugs except if your on drugs you get councilling and help....salmon you just go back for more.......be warned there is no cure......lol

Personally im a worm man for my sins i can do flys would love to cast like some of the proper fly men but hey ho till it banned completely ill stick to what i know....

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The biggest advance in angling technology to my mind has been the development of fly lines.   Go for a shooting head or skagit as both make casting  so much easier, you are quite right to take professional tuition before starting after you learn the basics it is down to practice.  Tight lines .



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Cheers lads using worms on some of the rivers over here in ireland you would get beat up LOL ?fly only was in my local tackle shop they have a nice shakespeare oracle for sale 14ft rod not expensive wouldn't want spend to much money getting started any recommendations on starter rods Like everywhere else rivers dried out need bit water for the river i fish for the dallagan to run from lough neagh

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15 minutes ago, Gerry78 said:

Cheers lads using worms on some of the rivers over here in ireland you would get beat up LOL ?fly only was in my local tackle shop they have a nice shakespeare oracle for sale 14ft rod not expensive wouldn't want spend to much money getting started any recommendations on starter rods Like everywhere else rivers dried out need bit water for the river i fish for the dallagan to run from lough neagh

I suppose shrimp is out then! Lol!

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