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Effectiveness of fibre wadded cartridges at distance

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No you think that because you and others believe that by stripping down cartridges and shooting at a bit of paper is going to make you a better shot. When actually in means nothing, zero, diddly squat, big fat nothing!

unless you can point the gun in the right place your painstaking dissection of a cartridge is a pointless and worthless excercise.

I tried to spare you the crux of the findings today but it equates to **** shots using bits of paper to excuse their **** shooting 😂😂😂

you struggle to comprehend common sense as you are to fixated with your own narrow minded views. Lacks very little shooting experience and sits on his keyboard trying to be an authority while others are actually out shooting and enjoying themselves with the purpose to belittle those who do!

which suports the messages I’ve had from many members on here and friends who I have directed for a read. Some who have challenged you previously!

like I say shoot what you enjoy if you can’t do that what pleasure do you take from trying to discredit those who are hsving the pleasure!

most of my friends actually think you have never shot in your life and you are the resident troll on PW! 

Over to You!



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😂 It comes to something when facts are derided as trolldom, narrow mindedness or lack of ability. 😂 

The crux of this matter is actually very simple, if you spend a single minute explaining what "pattern" means to a layman he/she would then be able to draw a line around one at 50-60 maybe even 70 yards at a push, since there is no definable pattern at 90 yards even an expert couldn't point out its centre, not that the centre means anything since it may well be the emptiest part of the 20 sq meter. 😏

ps. I can usually spot a fake expert from a mile off and have to say Motty has always come across as genuinely knowledgeable. 

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I’m disappointed but not surprised that the points I’ve raised have been ignored.

I know several folks who orbit in the 60+ days a year range who see the benefit of understanding where the limits of their set up exists. Even the hallowed Mr Carrie does.

Having done it, I 100% get why skill is brought up (which also comes with practice).

The only point I REALLY struggle with is the ignorance about the element of chance once the pattern’s gone.

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It has been asked once to stop the name calling and what can be described as childish behaviour.

But it carried on.....

I think after 14 pages and still no agreement means we can close this thread.

At the end of the day, shoot what you're comfortable with and can do consistently.

Next topic please!



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