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Colchester zoo - Mixed feelings

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Took my little un to Colchester Zoo today....we spent hours walking around looking at some truly awsome animals....the white tiger and the lions truly took my breath away(I have not been to a zoo or saw such magnificent beasts up close since I was a little kid). On one hand zoo's give the likes of me the only oportunity(can't afford a safari and its just not the same on TV) to see animals of that sort and I was truly taken aback at their beauty( can't say I was too brave when I held a giant Madagascan cockroach in my hand.....it had bigger eyes than me......the little 'un was unfazed). I was though very unsettled by a couple of the chimpanzees on display....I managed to look into the eyes of one from about one foot away....his expression was totally human and readable.....and was one of great sadness(I'm not a bleeding heart liberal type believe me). It might be that he was just having a bad day and does not normally look like that. Zoos.....good or bad.... without the chimp input I would have to say a massive good.....but i am still unsettled by the sad chimp. I suppose it beats being slaughtered in the wild for a trophy or another apes food.....But also isn't one days freedom far geater than a 100 days of captivity.


I will be going back again though(being not more than a few inches away from a fully grown lion looking right at me in the eyes literally made my heart miss a beat. :rolleyes:

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Funny you say that, I went to Colchester Zoo a couple of years ago and had similar feelings. The animal areas were too small and they were all displaying signs of severe stress - you know, small pen large trench dug from perpetual pacing.


Safari parks are the only way to go if you are that way inclined.

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I enjoy Colly Zoo and have been most years on and off since I was a kid but know where your coming from. The Orange Utang (as my kids call it) always seems to be in the same place every time. Overall though I think they invest in their animals well and give a lot back through breeding programs etc which will hopefully help safeguard at least some animals in the future. Been this year already - looking forward to seeing the Komodo Dragons in a few years, they're a bit small at the moment.

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Did it too last month. Some animals have loads of room but some of the other areas are just plain ****. The cheetahs had an area no bigger than the footprint of a small house and garden and there were four or five of them. It's a bit sad really.


I took this at Howletts Park in Kent a few years ago.



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That's a really really good photograph fella!


I've never been to that zoo but a fair few others. Echoing what you said DFB there is usually one animal that spoils it. Last zoo I went to was in Amsterdam, they had a polar bear there, saddest thing I have ever seen. One pace forwards, shake of the head, one pace back and lift the front legs of the ground. Repeated all day long. Clearly completely insane with the tedium of his surroundings :good:


On the flip side, exactly as you saw, there were a load of completely content looking animals too :P

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Ive been to twycross and paignton zoo and have come to the conclusion that they just dont give the animals enough room. I was really sickened by some of the pens but on the other hand they do loads of good work with endangered animals and promote awareness of whats really happening in the world. Its a real 50 50 situation there in, if the pens were bigger you would never see the animals so the public would go thus generating no revenue. Its a shame really but there are well cared for.

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Did it too last month. Some animals have loads of room but some of the other areas are just plain ****. The cheetahs had an area no bigger than the footprint of a small house and garden and there were four or five of them. It's a bit sad really.


I took this at Howletts Park in Kent a few years ago.





Got to get a camera that sorts out red eye mate.......top photy.......and a bit scary

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Howletts and Port Lymnpe do it best.


The wolves at Howletts are ******* amazing :P


If you sit down in front of the run for 30 minutes or so they will come up to you one by one, never breaking eye contact but holding their heads real low, sniff you and then wander back off.


I use to fish with a bloke that worked there and he told me you could take anyone into the enclosure except menstruating females for obvious reasons. They will come up to you, alpha first, check you out and then wander off leaving you alone.


Magnificent creatures and a joy to be near.






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I got "stuck" at Schipol NYE 2000, only plonker hotel that would take me was the Dorint @ "400 urossh a nite shir"


Forgettable ********, mind it is a very nice hotel and the room service club sandwich is to die for :P

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Oh yes, you two are a right couple of wags ain't cha.


For the record I have had a passport many times in my life.


Saying that though I have had to hand it back in to the local gaffa's when some european games are on.


For the life of me I can't understand why :P


Must be a political thing and the fact that I know Tosspot and YP.







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Bringing this back on topic...


Went to Berlin last year for my summer hols and went to the Zoo there (the one in the west part). Saddest place I have been to in a long while really, which is wierd seeing as I shoot and am used to seeing dead animals.


I think it was the elephant that did it... The whole time we were wathing, it just did the same track in its pen. Over and over again. Really got me that did. The monkies did the same thing (apart from the chimps that just went around throwing poo). The Orangutans just looked broken. I don't think that I will be able to go back to another zoo after that.


And now back onto the other topic... LB and the 'Dam. I'm surprised he wasn't staying at the "Hotel Cock". Friend of mine stayed there and said it was really good. Mind you, he nearly got arrested for pi$$ing in public (and on a policeman when he turned round to see who was tapping him on the shoulder).


Ah, the joys of youth...

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Bringing this back on topic...


Went to Berlin last year for my summer hols and went to the Zoo there (the one in the west part). Saddest place I have been to in a long while really, which is wierd seeing as I shoot and am used to seeing dead animals.


I think it was the elephant that did it... The whole time we were wathing, it just did the same track in its pen. Over and over again. Really got me that did. The monkies did the same thing (apart from the chimps that just went around throwing poo). The Orangutans just looked broken. I don't think that I will be able to go back to another zoo after that.


And now back onto the other topic... LB and the 'Dam. I'm surprised he wasn't staying at the "Hotel Cock". Friend of mine stayed there and said it was really good. Mind you, he nearly got arrested for pi$$ing in public (and on a policeman when he turned round to see who was tapping him on the shoulder).


Ah, the joys of youth...


He's a braver man than me to stay at a place called Hotel cock.......hotel flange now there's a place to stay

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