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AyA Yeoman sbs


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It all depends on the specific gun you are looking at .

AyA's in general are decently made guns but a lot , as with all else , depends on age , usage and the amount of abuse it has had in its life time .

I have seen 20 year old Yeomans that look like new and others a few years old that look awful .

There are several Spanish boxlocks , Yeoman , Ugartachea , " Master" that are all solid and will last , but look for a good one with as much original finish as possible . One that does not rattle like bag of spanners and closes up with out sounding like a farm gate . 


Edited by Gunman
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Good sound guns, and not expensive with loads to choose from.  Note that there are ejector models, but most are non ejectors.  As far as I know all started life with half choke in right barrel, full in left barrel, but may have been opened out since, so check.  Wood is usually plain.

There is also a Yeoman o/u model

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