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How far will shotgun shot travel?


One of the fields i shoot in is a triangular shape , with about 150 yds wide at one end and 400-500 yds at the other.To the back of this there is a public road,would any stray shot travel these distances?

I usually sit in a bush in the middle of this with an air rifle so i know im safe there but what about a 12 bore?

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This is something that, at times, troubles me, and as such I, too, would like some answers on this subject.


One of my mates tells me that, for No 6 shot, tests have been done and the maximum range for this, fired at the most efficient angle ( about 30 degrees) is 320 yards.


Obviously if you use larger shot I would expect a greater distance.


Plus don't be too sure about your humble air rifle not firing 500 yards.


Anyone seen any studies, or tests, on this subject please ??

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This is a very interesting subject and one that has a theoretical and practical element to it.


I have little knowledge of the "theoretical".

But I take generous steps to cover the "practical".


I have posted quite a few times on the nuisance where I shoot, of bridlepaths, footpaths, houses, roads etc.

With regard to shot travelling, I work on the basis of life threatening, or nuisance risk.

I allow that shot will kill, if fired directly at someone up to 100 yards away.

Beyond that, it becomes a falling "nuisance".


I then allow for frequency of "nuisance", and add another 100 yards, if firing towards a very busy road(200 yards total) and plus 200 yards (300 yards total) , if firing towards houses (something I try to avoid altogether).

I place myself with a gun accordingly.


Footpaths and bridleways are not so problematic, as I stop shooting when someone passes along them.


Before someone tells me, I know that a piece of No.6 shot travelled 5 miles and then fell into the eye of a man in Timbuctoo, penetrated his brain and struck him stone dead. :D

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To the back of this there is a public road,would any stray shot travel these distances?


In a word, yes.


The shot would, depending on the angle, easily cover the 300 yards or so you mention.


But they would lack sufficient energy to do any form of damage - especially when you consider that the most efficient killing range of a shotgun, generally speaking, is about 40 yards.


Then if you think about shot spread every further 40 yards etc until you get to the end of the field and you're talking lottery chances of doing anyone or anything any damage.


I'm presuming that this road isn't a high street packed with people?


If not then rest assured that the recommendations (and I think legal) requirements are not shooting within 100m or 150m of a road.

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Cranfields answer is basically correct.. It is aknowledged that shot can travel 300 yards or so, dependant on wind direction and speed.


Nuisance shot can however still cause damage especially if it were to fall into the path of a vehicle travelling at say 70mph. There may well be little energy left in the shot, but 70 mph is aprox 102 ft/second, only a fraction of the speed when the shot left the gun, but probably suffieient to do a windscreen in etc.


I have always worked on 350 yards, or no shot, no matter how much the veins stick out of the farmers neck. Remember its you license at stake. Always make sure that your BASC membership is upto date. The insurance is reasonable and will ensure that in the event of an accident you wont loose your shirt off your back.



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Interesting topic this one


My personal view on this one has to be along the same lines as cranners where

"nuisance level" plays the deciding role and the falling shot being the nuisance.


I would try to avoid houses and try to shoot away from roads rather than facing them.


Common sense is all that it takes (or 300+ yards :D ).

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I allow 400 yards in all circumstances.


Last year I was pigeon shooting in a rape field which had next to it a large expanse of flooded field about 30 acres I would say. After packing up for the day I fired a few rounds across the water ( 12 g No. 6 High Velocity ) and it was hitting the 350 plus mark easy.


Also I remember my experiences as a beater being peppered with falling shot by the guns on a short drive on numerous occassions around the 300 - 400 m mark.


Better to be safe than sorry.



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Dont forget that you are in Northern Ireland, which as you know has its own set of rules.


The only reference that I have been able to find on the BASC web site is in the Air rifle code of practice; it says 50 Ft.


Can anyone else enlighten us?



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The distance from fire point to the road issue primarily covers disturbance to road users and passers by, the correct terminology escapes me but I can look it up if anyone is interested so therefore does not impact on direct safety i.e. shot damage, but caters for in the main, the noise of the shot (discharge of a firearm) causing disturbance or distress to road users.


This is wholly logical as we have seen, shot can "carry" a lot further than the legal requirement of the 50 or so feet. So by default it is not applicable in this context However and be warned, if you were to discharge a firearm under the minimum limits and the shot causes damage or distress to road users then it is likely charges for EITHER OR BOTH offences would follow.


Also remember it is an offence for the shot discharged to pass over the boundary of the land you have permission to shoot over. Its tresspass.


Don't confuse the two but as always, think safety all the time.

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If i am in any doubt about my safety margin towards a particular spot i try to blank off the offending area by either sitting in such a way or by putting my hide up in such a way as to make it impossabe to accidentally swing to far on a shot, its very easy to sit in a hide at the start of the day and make mental notes of particular landmarks where your "safe zone" ends but in the heat of the moment its easy to swing just that little to far

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I have done some research on this and looked at the Clay Pigeon Shooting guidance on this.


I presume this advice refers to No 6 and No 7 shot, as they do not stipulate, but they recommend a safe distance of 275 metres ( 300 yards ) from any bridlepath, roadway etc etc.


Until I find anything else on this subject that will do for me.

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A few years ago I was picking up on a grouse moor in Lancashire, I was at least 250 yards behind the gun butts. Raising my head to see what was happening I was hit by a single pellet just on the boney area to the side of my right eye. The resulting impact was quite hard and painful and caused a raised lump and copius bleeding. I know if the shot had been 1 inch to the left it would have definately have penetrated the eyeball with possibly serious consequences.


However, on informing the keeper of the accident he remarked "serves you right, you should keep your ******* head down" Its a tough old life....picking up!!



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The minimum distance from the centre of a carriageway is 50ft.

All your Firearms / Shotgun and Air Arms questions can be answered here:


Home Office. Firearms Law. (Guidance to the Police. 2002)


You will require a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to read it, which you can download from here:


Adobe Acrobat Download


To save a copy of the Firearms Law to your hard drive just click on the little floppy disk button at the left hand side of the Adobe screen toolbar.



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