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Air Weapon Certificate


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As you likely will know, in Scotland you require a Air Weapons Certificate to buy an air rifle. However If you possess a FAC or SGC that covers any airguns you own previously. That is until your renewals come up, then you need to apply for a conterminous AWC at a cost of £5 I think. 

I was curious, if as an existing SGC and FAC holder, would I need to pay the full AWC application fee of £72 or just the fiver if I was to apply for a airgun certificate just now before my other licenses are up?

And I take it I can't be given an airgun without holding a certificate for them? Though I can possess them. 

Couldn't find the answers online and thought someone here has likely got experience of this. 

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I had an SGC already and applied for an AWC in time for the law change. Only cost me £5 to have them coterminus. Not sure if that's still the case, I seem to remember they only told you how much you owed them after they'd decided how long they'd give you one for. I.e some got them granted for only 2 years to stagger the renewal demand. You can have as many as you like covered by your existing tickets so long as they were valid before the change and this as you say is the case until they expire after which you need an AWC. You can't legally acquire additional airguns until you have the AWC. 

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