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Just out of Interest

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well what can i say ,accept be ready to be bored. spent most of my childhood on a small farm (grandparents)so shooting and farming went hand in hand .my grandad can from a gipsy background so if anyone knew about the land and the countryside ways it was him .he used to take great pleasure in showing me and my two sisters the way s of the countryside and the tales he would tell would have us right on the ends of are seats.he was a great man .one off the most knowledgeable men i have ever met .and i doubt i will not meet anyone like him again .anyway i digress i spent most of my teens and early twentys being a proper girly and doing girly things .then in my late twentys i met this quiet unassuming man whos love for the countryside and shooting was unbeatable .see i have always known that mr sweepy s first love is hes shooting from day one .so it has never been a problem in our marriage .anyway here i go again rambling. up till about may of last year my only concern was to make sure mr sweepy and the boys was fed and watered daily . but that all change when mr bought home this little springer puppy. mr always wanted a gundog but with a young famliy and mr being away alot it had to be put on hold untill then . things were going just great with the pup and mr. then in sept of last year we had the chance of getting the one dog mr had always wanted a clumber spaniel .we went though all the pros and cons of having two such young pups together so in the end we decided the only way we could. would be if i took on one of the dogs so this is how i got into the gundog training .we i say we cause am just as new to this as the dog have been training now for about six months . and have been told by our trainer that if we put a lot of hard work in between now and this years shooting season their is no reason why i should not have mine own dog standing beside me in the beaters line . i for one cannot wait for not only will i be the only women on the shoot but sammy will be the only clumber too . i think my grandad would have been cuffed xxx suzy

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hi, camo girl

although i grew up round guns ,being a girl (remember this is going back a lot of years )i was never shown how to use one .this is why i think not many women are intested in the sport . it was not till i met mr sweepy 15 years ago that i got back into this way of life .we had not been married long when mr bought me my first air rifle.i have had a go at

clays but its not a cheap sport and with a hubby two kids (seems more like four the amont of food they eat)two dogs and not forget mr sweepys ferrets my hard earn cash seems to go else were :lol: but there is hope on the horizon i have just sent off for my sgc. but my big love is my dogs and beating . though i have ask mr if it is possible this year if i could have a peg on hes shoot . you should have seen the look on hes face .you would have thought i had just told him we had won the lottery lol lol he now say s hes mission has been accomplish he has finally got all the years i spent living as a townie out of my system. :lol: xxxx suzy

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Does Darebear count?



or as FM puts it, screaming great hooly thing, not sure why though, but surely being a queen she is female,



Flash, This is why: AND YOU ARE THE REASON FOR IT! :lol:


This will explain it all. Click here first


Then here



FM :lol:



OMG :lol: how could I have forgotton the Ice Princess.....I do appologize Gelfling



Please Please Please do not wrap my house in a blanket of ice for the next 12 months








omfg ! ! ! !




you forgot about ME? ? ? ?



No we didn't! :lol::lol::lol: ^^^^^


Hows the slinkys?

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