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New update on BASC Website

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2 hours ago, Walker570 said:

Don't vote for them and tell them why.

I know what you are saying. It would be nice if any government, actually wanted to see fair clear across the board Licensing.

The Complexity we have now is born out of political agendas back to the 20s and the riots.

Its been one chunk at a time, it stepped up a notch with the 68 act. and its been knee jerk reaction after knee jerk reaction ever since. and now we are where we are today. With guidance being interpreted as rules if its law or not.

It needs some clever bloke who can put a good reason for a listening cooperative government to look at new fair rules and give us legitimate law abiding gun owners some real rights.

It would be so good to turn all this complexity on its head and put us in the position we should be.  No one ever wanted a free for all but fair unbiased gun controls would be nice.

Chances of this happening, are about zero i feel. but Nice thought for about 1 second.

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12 minutes ago, mossy835 said:



in the usa its there rights, not here.

It should be if though, we are in an unfair position in this country. My faith in the police not being unbiased has been around for 20 years or more. It was around the time of Hungerford , some police commissioner or Chief constable was on a tv prog like news night some such show. was a Anti gun chap on there . I remember the Police man agreeing with the anti gun chap and ranting "we need these guns off the streets".    Heard similar terminology after Dunblane,  lord mcenzie and some police man on a debate with scarily similar attitudes.   Just using the events to achieve the desired political goal.

  David Cameron did two things i liked. He made Brexit possible even if he never expected it to. and he said after the Cumbrian shootings" Bird"  you can not legislate against idiots. "more or less".

  Could we ever hope for reason and common sense re our gun laws, No because we are all just looking at what we do as individuals. i am as guilty as everyone of us is "i am all right pull up the ladder".

In a way i am ashamed of this , I deserve as we all do to be obliterated . We need to back our shooting organisation by whatever means we can to see if there is anything practically we can do to bring about change.

I am not optimistic anything at all can be done. But i do feel we are looking at the end if we do not get a break soon.

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Here you go guys seems to be all cleared up. 



The following email was sent to all CPSA clubs, grounds, and trade members on 14 May 2020, stating that the CPSA has now had the necessary assurances to recommend the re-opening of clay-shooting grounds, which will be of interest to all clay-shooters in England: 

Dear Clubs, Grounds, and Trade Members,

Regarding the CPSA’s position on the opening of clay shooting grounds following the easing of restrictions from the 13th May for outdoor sports activities:

Over the past 48 hours we have been working with the Government, Police and other bodies to get the confirmation we needed under the latest Government guidance that it is possible to start shooting recreationally again within England.

Therefore, as the National Governing Body for the Sport of Clay Target Shooting in England, we are now satisfied that we can start a phased return to clay shooting with initially pay & play/practice and a return to competitive registered shoots in time.

Shooting grounds can re-open when they are ready and our members are now able to participate and enjoy the sport of clay target shooting recreationally while all following strict CV19 safety protocols and guidance.

Importantly, we have now also had confirmation from our insurers that our members are fully insured after considering the new guidance to get out and enjoy their sport again.

We have already issued comprehensive guidance to grounds to assist with their planning to implement the strict social distancing and safety measures to protect their staff, the shooters and our sport. 

Please Click Here to go to our Shoot Safe, Stay Safe online documents.

Yours sincerely,


Iain Parker                 

CPSA CEO                

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1 hour ago, Perazzishot said:

Here you go guys seems to be all cleared up. 



The following email was sent to all CPSA clubs, grounds, and trade members on 14 May 2020, stating that the CPSA has now had the necessary assurances to recommend the re-opening of clay-shooting grounds, which will be of interest to all clay-shooters in England: 

Dear Clubs, Grounds, and Trade Members,

Regarding the CPSA’s position on the opening of clay shooting grounds following the easing of restrictions from the 13th May for outdoor sports activities:

Over the past 48 hours we have been working with the Government, Police and other bodies to get the confirmation we needed under the latest Government guidance that it is possible to start shooting recreationally again within England.

Therefore, as the National Governing Body for the Sport of Clay Target PIGEON Shooting in England, we are now satisfied that we can start a phased return to clay shooting with initially pay & play/practice and a return to competitive registered shoots in time.

Shooting grounds can re-open when they are ready and our members are now able to participate and enjoy the sport of clay target shooting recreationally while all following strict CV19 safety protocols and guidance.

Importantly, we have now also had confirmation from our insurers that our members are fully insured after considering the new guidance to get out and enjoy their sport again.

We have already issued comprehensive guidance to grounds to assist with their planning to implement the strict social distancing and safety measures to protect their staff, the shooters and our sport. 

Please Click Here to go to our Shoot Safe, Stay Safe online documents.

Yours sincerely,


Iain Parker                 

CPSA CEO                

******* Clay TARGET ......isn’t it the Clay PIGEON shooting association anymore? Didn’t their attempt to change their name from clay pigeon to the politically, more acceptable, clay target association, Fail?

There, I’ve amended the CEO’s mistake!


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1 hour ago, Perazzishot said:

Here you go guys seems to be all cleared up. 



The following email was sent to all CPSA clubs, grounds, and trade members on 14 May 2020, stating that the CPSA has now had the necessary assurances to recommend the re-opening of clay-shooting grounds, which will be of interest to all clay-shooters in England: 

Dear Clubs, Grounds, and Trade Members,

Regarding the CPSA’s position on the opening of clay shooting grounds following the easing of restrictions from the 13th May for outdoor sports activities:

Over the past 48 hours we have been working with the Government, Police and other bodies to get the confirmation we needed under the latest Government guidance that it is possible to start shooting recreationally again within England.

Therefore, as the National Governing Body for the Sport of Clay Target Shooting in England, we are now satisfied that we can start a phased return to clay shooting with initially pay & play/practice and a return to competitive registered shoots in time.

Shooting grounds can re-open when they are ready and our members are now able to participate and enjoy the sport of clay target shooting recreationally while all following strict CV19 safety protocols and guidance.

Importantly, we have now also had confirmation from our insurers that our members are fully insured after considering the new guidance to get out and enjoy their sport again.

We have already issued comprehensive guidance to grounds to assist with their planning to implement the strict social distancing and safety measures to protect their staff, the shooters and our sport. 

Please Click Here to go to our Shoot Safe, Stay Safe online documents.

Yours sincerely,


Iain Parker                 

CPSA CEO                

That’s every clay ground in the country sold out as soon as they open

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