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Plucking Snipe


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So, is there an easy way to do this?

I shoot about 15 to 20 or so a year, and now freeze them in the feather.  Previously I plucked them prior to freezing - but however I do it, it takes forever and I never end up with a perfectly plucked bird. 

I've tried duck wax - which helps - but isn't a miracle cure. I've tried a hand held kitchen flame thrower. There must be some kind of knack to it - isn't there?

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Try plucking 25-30 house sparrows for a pie. No kidding this was my job back in the early 1950s when sparrows where a menace around the mixing shed on the farm and also hundreds would descend on a field of ripe wheat and the tops of stooks in the field. We also caught them and other birds with clap nets at night along hedge rows.

As above, with care and patience.

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Don’t usually bother if I leave a few feathers on.When it’s cooked pull skin of.A long time ago when my son just short of 9 watched me dress game in garage.said can I do one dad.so I gave him a pheasant and left him in garage after a while he came in not a feather on it .He then said can I clean it .I watched him do it  .It was perfect.I had a Canada goose one day he said can I pluck that left him in garage he was out there a long time and again it was perfect .He said I never want to do one of them again.Shooting on saddleworth grouse moor.end of the day dividing the bag there was a few mounting hares. That no one wanted.Simon  asked me to take one  .I said you won’t like in .Anyway he took it home dressed it cooked for him .He ate one mouthful .The dog ended up eating it.Now he can put his hand to anything.

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