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The Smell of Anticipation

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Why when you dont have a gun in your hand do rabbits sit infront of you in perfect shooting distance? But when you have a gun scarper.


Why when you dont have a gun in your hands do pigeons sit above your head in trees?But when you have a gun never come near.


Why when you act normally in bright clothes and talk with friends when out walking do animals take so long to move?


Can they smell or feel the anticipation of the shot?


This annoys me

What about you?


Thanx Gentlemen

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:lol: Why can you guarantee a pigeon flying over your decoys just as you are pulling down your net having given up for the day?


On the same theme i have discovered that one of the best ways to get pigeons to come in when they have gone quiet is to get out a sandwich or even better to pour a drink.


An almost certain way to get action when all else fails is to pour a cup of hot vegetable soup from your flask, the mess it leaves in your panic to pick up the gun is revolting. :<

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for best results i do the following;put down gun,light a cigarette,pour coffee from flask,look up,spot one or more birds decoying perfectly.next,place drink on ground,drop ciggie into drink,rise to shoot just as they hear me swear and spill drink over phone/self/bag or dog. :lol:

this takes years of practice but have perfected what i feel is an important part of my decoying skills.i light twenty a day when shooting and get to smoke two,on way in and way out. :lol:

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I was off riding my bike through a field which i new had rabbits in but i didn't have permission to shoot over to see if it was worth trying. when i got there i saw 7 rabbits so i decided to see how close i could get so i biked up normal and actually stroked a rabbit on the back of the head. I know it didnt have myxy because as it ran it jumped over twigs and squeezed through a tiny gap in the fencing then straight down its hole. :lol::lol: Any way i now have permission to shoot in that field and went down to it last evening and when i arrived i realised my pellets where still at home. so i sat and watched and counted well over 20 at one time :lol::lol::lol::lol: :thumbs:

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