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Prisoners given our money for not rioting!


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Whilst I can see the flawed logic in this - reward good behaviour - I'd rather it wasn't our taxes being misused in this way.


Sets a nasty precedent don't you think? What next, payments for not beating up the screws, payments for not killing anyone when inside?


Surely they can give something like more yard time or whatever, mind with all the plasma TV's and PS3's in prison these days I think that might be seen as a punishment :lol:

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It is very worrying these people who come up with this stuff, lets call them government workers although that is somewhat of a paradox, worry me deeply.


I can imagine the meeting where some bright spark came up with this, rounds of applause and plaudits from on high. Wonder what the fallout will be when the rest of the prison population find out about it tonight watching on their 50" plasma TV's, assuming of course they are not playing playstation at the time.


Makes me sick.


If it were up to me you wouldn't want to go to prison. No, really you wouldn't. The though of it would keep people on the straight and narrow. For those who couldn't manage that they'd not come out again.


Simple. It is meant to be a punishment not a ******** holiday for Christ's sake. All this talk about "inhumane conditions" ********! Don't want to **** in a bucket along with some other hairy ***** rapist then don't commit crime. Simple.


These days you probably get better customer service in prison than you would at Butlins. Dood-gooding pinko lefties are ruining this place.

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They should consider bringing back hard labour, chain gangs and the like with armed guards.


I used to see them quite alot when I worked for a spell in America, there was'nt a smile on anyone's face.


Just think what good could be done in tidying up our areas around us and in the community with all these convict labour.

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Prisoners in a Nottinghamshire jail will be given £2 each for not rioting during a recent prison officer strike.


What the hell!


Couldn't agree more - we're soft as anyone on crime now. This is no different to them being rewarded for being good by giving them time off for good behavior! Belittles their original sentence and offends their victims and the rest of the law abiding community. They should serve their time and have time added on for poor behavior. Is that not justice and common sense?

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I was thinking about this today. Whilst no one wants to live in a Muslim state they have some things right. Nick an apple, lop off the hand. Rape a woman, hang from a crane. Child abuse, lop off the head. Not over keen on the public flogging for adultery though.

Their prisons are hell, as ours should be

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