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Anyone see the programme on dog fighting last night


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No never :yes:


I'm sorry if I stirred up a hornets nest, maybe I misunderstood FBF'spost but I took it to mean that he believed that most people on this forum were up for a bit of animal cruelty. I just feel I've got to pick up on statements like that which I believe to be totally incorrect. I feel that, as a shooter, I'm shown in a bad light if I just accept that sort of nonsense.


His follow up posts suggest that he isn't able to distinguish between killing animals and being cruel to animals, as if the act of killing in itself is cruel. Each to their own but I would disagree - I won't veer off on a euthanasia tangent to further my point.


From my point of view, I reconciled the killing of animals for fun or control (mostly fun for me) a long time ago. I can't recall ever being cruel to an animal though. I enjoy some watching animals and trying to understand their ways. I also enjoy killing some animals. I do not enjoy hearing about or seeing cruelty to animals.

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No never :yes:


I'm sorry if I stirred up a hornets nest, maybe I misunderstood FBF'spost but I took it to mean that he believed that most people on this forum were up for a bit of animal cruelty. I just feel I've got to pick up on statements like that which I believe to be totally incorrect. I feel that, as a shooter, I'm shown in a bad light if I just accept that sort of nonsense.


His follow up posts suggest that he isn't able to distinguish between killing animals and being cruel to animals, as if the act of killing in itself is cruel. Each to their own but I would disagree - I won't veer off on a euthanasia tangent to further my point.


From my point of view, I reconciled the killing of animals for fun or control (mostly fun for me) a long time ago. I can't recall ever being cruel to an animal though. I enjoy some watching animals and trying to understand their ways. I also enjoy killing some animals. I do not enjoy hearing about or seeing cruelty to animals.




A well reasoned response IMHO.


Back to the program - I saw the program from start to finish. There appears to be a disconnect between dog keepers and dog lovers. You would wonder how these people managed to breed so many dogs and have such a high degree of contact with them and yet still fail to show them any respect. It also showed the Dangerous Dogs Act to be a knee jerk waste of time. Whilst the circumstances concerning the dog that killed the little girl in Liverpool are still before the Courts I would like to know more about that dog and the circumstances - it appears that "Reuben" was a 110% pure bread fighting dog of a particularly special calibre - so where and how did he get it and where did it come from (blood line etc). No doubt once the trial is over there will be a follow up.

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Interestingly I was going to make the observation that terriers etc were specifically bred for foxing and therefore it is in their nature and they probably love it.


This then roles on to what about dogs specifically bred to fight eachother - barbaric as it seems it's in their nature. Then rolling this on again to another level, dogs chasing foxes - down a hole or accross a field it all ends up the same way.


Hmmmm an interesting one eh?

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Interestingly I was going to make the observation that terriers etc were specifically bred for foxing and therefore it is in their nature and they probably love it.


This then roles on to what about dogs specifically bred to fight eachother - barbaric as it seems it's in their nature. Then rolling this on again to another level, dogs chasing foxes - down a hole or accross a field it all ends up the same way.


Hmmmm an interesting one eh?





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That's not actually a stir up - if it was I would put my hands up and add a smiley.


I actually had a little think about it and continued "thinking it through".


Bizarrely I am giving more credit to what FBF was saying.


Anyways, who is to say who is right and who is wrong and ultimately it won't hurt any of us to challenge our own views and have a little think once in a while.

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sorry gotta have a go at this one as i regularly used to follow the hunt with a terrier man.

i love my terriers and would never want to see them hurt but the long and short is that they were domesticated for our purpose and a terriers purpose was

to go down a whole and bring out food IT'S WOT THEY DO BEST. i have never put a spade over a hole nor have i let a dog rip a fox apart NEVER

but as with all things there are always the idiots and these are exeptions. but the terriers love it, never happier than when thier in a hole some where.

as for going out putting 2 dogs together and letting them go at it till either one is dead can't see the pleasure my self and i feel the same way about

badger baiting and the rest of these moronic past times people dream up. if we hope to keep our country side and the things we are able to do in it

then there should be no divide you either kill animals or shoot in it or you don't- together we stand and all that. how many of you attended the liberty and livelyhood march? i feel a new thread coming on!!!! any way peace to you all wot ever you are anti/pro it makes no difference to me

coz i'll still be doing it tomorrow cheers catroofel out :):yes:

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