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paw prints

Guest fred101

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to small for badger,and not deep enough in mud,must be something small and light,stoat,mink or weasel or stray ferret maybe. :unsure: or even an otter,as they only leave a print of 4 toes although they have five (googled)


having searched again,90 percent chance of being a dog or cat if it has four toes lol

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the location is along side a railway track,there is a small bog/marsh near by,sometimes with the odd duck about,iv'e never seen anything else about in the surrounding fields only fox,rabbit,squirrel.

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A little problem with Paint Shop, but a delicate presentation nonetheless.



Hate to say it Mungler, but look at the prints at the top of the photo and you can clearly see that there are claw marks in the prints. I can see why you say cat by that print, but whats to say that a cat and A.N.Other mammel hasn't walked through the same point. One of those prints definitely looks a bit weblike and with claws.




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I was with the Otter vote until I searched google images for otter footprints :




There is a distinct difference between the otter ones in the above link and those in the posted picture. It looks like more weight is applied to the pads? (front bulbus part of the paw) in the otter prints than those in the posted picture, imho.


images below in case they change on google images:


Front Paw : otter_front_paw_tn.gif

Hind Paw : otter_back_paw_tn.gif

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