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Antique game counters (often known as Norfolk Liars)


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10 minutes ago, Jim Neal said:

I'm intrigued... can anyone tell me what the original thread title was which offended our venerable colleague so much?!

Oh yes and intrigued by the artefacts in question, a good chunk of money's worth if they're in decent nick??  Nice find! 👍

oohhhh do pay attention Neal 1.........come and see me in my study after prayers boy...

Edited by ditchman
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1 minute ago, ditchman said:

oohhhh do pay attention Neil 1.........come and see me in my study after prayers boy...

I'm not sure which I'm more bothered about - the catholic priest part, or the fact you've completely screwed my name up even though it's in big letters on the screen in front of you 🤣

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21 hours ago, ilovemyheckler said:

Does anyone know anything about these?

I recently acquired an old game counter, possibly German?

However, although the front looks to be brass plated the rear has had the plated finish removed and now has a silver finish. At first I thought that the front and rear may have had different finishes to make it easier to select the right game but on closer inspection there are still small remains of brass on the rear.

Do you know of anyone who might be able to refurbish and replate the rear and the front and possibly tell me a bit about the origin and history?





it could be silver that as been gold plated . 

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