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Gov Restrictions Announcement 14/06/21


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@Scully this may amuse you seeing as youve seen the field walkers with masks on.

Yesterday in Lidl, there was a chap walking around with a proper mask on, not a homemade rag. Next thing I look around and he has his mask hanging off one ear because he was licking his fingers to make opening the plastic bags easier, then proceeded to handle all the fresh fruit. 

Put his mask back on and kept shopping.

Also, my brother cycled down the back lanes where there was a woman walking her dog, HOLDING her mask 6 inches away from her face as she walked. Nobody else around.

Big brain power right there.


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On 18/06/2021 at 19:39, Pangolin said:

licking his fingers to make opening the plastic bags easier

That particular issue has been on my list of top three biggest bug-bears since masks became compulsory in supermarkets.  I eventually gave up and shelled out a few pounds on those produce bags with the drawstring that are reusable (and probably weigh 10x the amount of the flimsy polythene ones, thereby stacking a bit more profit on top of loose fruit & veg for the supermarkets!).

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