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Subsonic centrefire .22

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Now that I'm thinking of asking for a variation on my FAC (when it finally arrives) I'm thinking about which calibres I may ask for. The 6.5 is the reason for me asking for a variation, but I'm thinking that as I'm paying a fee I may as well as for a few calibres! I would ideally like to get a rifle that can be used with subsonic ammo which with commercially available rounds limits me to the .22lr, but can a bigger round be loaded down to subsonic speeds? I've heard about loading down .223, but I think the post has been removed as I can't find it? That tells me the .223 may not be a good idea (can't see why). How about a Hornet? Feel free to post your experiences, or reasons this idea isn't safe? I'm only asking to learn, but I have an idea that too little powder in a case can cause problems with the ignition of the contents, potentially being unsafe. Is that true?

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he gives his 'gopher loads'. They are 222 and 223 loaded down to 22 LR levels. Not sure if he goes subsonic, but I know he gets close. With a moderator you'd be real quiet. The big benefit is that you can load the 223 down to pretty much anything you want and 223 rifles are usually more accurate than 22LR.




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The only reason I ask is that it would be fun to have a rifle with more potential than the HMR, but at times have it loaded so it could be shot like a .22lr. There seems little point in buying two rifles of the same bore calibre if the higher powered one could be down loaded safely. I know that Southern Gun Company supply a kit to convert an AR15 to a rimmy using the same barrel as the .223, so the bore shouldn't be a problem when using lighter loads. Can you get plain lead bullets for reloading in .22 calibre? I was thinking that some of the soft point Hornet bullets could be used with acceptable results?


I'm still wondering if I read a post on here some time ago on this subject. I'm fairly sure I did so it must have been removed? Does anyone know why? There are obviously some safety issues involved (from reading JohnGalways reply), but are there not inert fillers that can be used to fill the case to an acceptable level like are sometimes used with black powder? If this idea is unsafe, I feel it would be better to leave the post on the forum saying so rather than deleting it? I'll have a wade through the Google results too, but it could take some time I think!

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sounds like something which has the potential for an accident, not to mention the number of people i know that have done this or thought about it and never actually used it in the field, its not practical, would require a different point of impact to the .22lr and if your using lead bullet which you would nead to at subsonic velocities as fister days, then you would foul your barrel with lead, effecting your POI when shooting supersonic .222 or .223 rounds.


A .22lr is honestly a much easier and probably more accurate way of doing things. I have no idea what twist you would need for such a slow projectile but i doubt its anything like whats in your centerfire.

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I am waiting for my paperwork to see what is and what is not written.


My understanding was that it was not against the law to shoot a fox with a .22 but the home office guidelines say that it should not be encouraged (or words to that effect).


So then, does this mean you can't unless "fox" appears in the line next to .22 ? What about "vermin and ground game" what's covered by that in the sense that fox is vermin?


As I said, I will wait and see but can't get my head round the whole "wording" used on FACs.


Someone told me that unless you have an open ticket or it specified on your ticket as for target shooting (i.e. and therefore are a member of a target club) you can't shoot FAC at your local club range with your rifles. Now I dunno if this is gospel but it sounds daft in the extreme because you can zero on your land - but wouldn't zeroing at a club be easier etc.


I guess I am about to be welcomed into the wonderful world of the strange FAC wording (or not, fingers crossed).

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I have to admit it's probably going to be more of a passing thought than a real option, as it's a lot easier just to buy a .22lr and use the 6.5 for anything that needs more power! I have found some loading tables for the .223 that may be of interest though, from a company called Accurate Powder? The experienced hand loaders on here may know of them?


Here are some loads quoted on their site:-




55 FMJ S1250 3.5grn 1139fps 13500

HDY60SP S1250 4.2grn 1111fps 19100

HDY75HPBT S1250 4.5grn 1052fps 22100



None of these figures mean a great deal to me, although I think the 6.5x55 runs a maximum CUP of 49000 and that's some kind of pressure measurement? I'd also like to add that as I have no idea what I'm talking about, DON'T TRY ANY OF THESE LOADS UNTIL YOU'VE RESEARCHED THEM YOURSELVES! That may be obvious, but I'd hate for someone to wreck their gun (or worse) with something I've posted so I thought I'd say it anyway!

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I am waiting for my paperwork to see what is and what is not written.


My understanding was that it was not against the law to shoot a fox with a .22 but the home office guidelines say that it should not be encouraged (or words to that effect).


So then, does this mean you can't unless "fox" appears in the line next to .22 ? What about "vermin and ground game" what's covered by that in the sense that fox is vermin?


As I said, I will wait and see but can't get my head round the whole "wording" used on FACs.


Someone told me that unless you have an open ticket or it specified on your ticket as for target shooting (i.e. and therefore are a member of a target club) you can't shoot FAC at your local club range with your rifles. Now I dunno if this is gospel but it sounds daft in the extreme because you can zero on your land - but wouldn't zeroing at a club be easier etc.


I guess I am about to be welcomed into the wonderful world of the strange FAC wording (or not, fingers crossed).


Its all about what is specified. I would'nt bother with zeroing on a club range even if one was local to me- Too much hassle.

FAC wording is a bit mystical ist'nt it?


Anyway from what I am hearing our friends in Europe want us to fall in line with them and put .22LR on the shotgun cert, as they feel they should be easier to own to prevent Air rifles being used for hunting.

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here is my brutal opinion

do less thinking and more shooting

get your fac

get your rimmies

enjoy your shooting

see if you need a variation

dont consider wierd loads and the like, countless people have looked into it before

i hate to say this but be mainstrean

(that last one hurt)

just my advice


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Someone told me that unless you have an open ticket or it specified on your ticket as for target shooting (i.e. and therefore are a member of a target club) you can't shoot FAC at your local club range with your rifles. Now I dunno if this is gospel but it sounds daft in the extreme because you can zero on your land - but wouldn't zeroing at a club be easier etc.


this total and utter **** mate, of course you can use a rifle range with your own guns. i have and will be doing again very shortly - see minsterly meet up thread.


dont belive all you hear from the so called 'experts' on the web or especially more so down the pub. ( cant belive i'm giving advise, then say that but hey ho)

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and 223 rifles are usually more accurate than 22LR.





:/ B) :) :o :P:P:lol: :o :P:P :o :o :o :P:lol:


Thats why the NSRA chose .223 as the caliber of choice for all 25,50 and 100yard prone rifle competitions...NOT, subsonic .22RF extremly accurate! or if you want more range and just as accurate 6.5x55! .223 can be amazingly accurate with home loads and HOURS of experimenting or you could get a decent .22RF rifle a box of eley match and cut 5p size groups over and over again at 50 yards, quietly! (unless it's windy)

Not havin a dig.

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