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Dog Trial

new to the flock

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Five weeks ago I was approached by a young women about getting 3 Red and White Irish Setters ready for a field trial this fall. I agreed to helping but explained that schedualing was going to be tight.


Well it worked out that I managed to put roughly 7 hours on each dog over the 5 weeks,....talk about an excellerated course...... and the owner was there for it all to learn how to handle and read a dog for the trial. Luckilly the dogs had good control on them and were use to running , they just had to learn about birds, quartering, staunchness, steady to wing and shot, and brace mates The trial was on Sunday past and I have only just heard the results as it was States side and we have only just managed to talk.


Well in the Conformation classes on Saturday Danny and Johny took Best Brace for Canada/USA and and the sire of the three I worked with, Tory, took Top Stud Dog Canada/USA


In the field trial:

Johny who had never seen a bird before I worked with him took 32/40.


Danny who is just a georgous little Bitch took 32/40


Teg who lost out on 2 lessons do to being laid up with a cut pad took a 28/40


All three scores qualifing for a leg. All three of these dogs were running in a brace with another dog they had never met, and judged by two judges. The trial was held in cover I was not expecting them to encounter, I was expecting scrub field and the trial was ran in wood like a ruffed grouse trial. I had only put the dogs into a very little of this cover do to time.


To say I am pleased is an understatement!



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Thanks Mate,


These 3 dogs have a lot of natural talent in them. Apparent in the scores, or I would never have been able to pull it off. Trying for a second title leg in 2 weeks time and then it will be time to back the 3 of them up and solidify the training.


The nice thing is I have 3 new dogs to hunt this fall and time to get them ready for the 3rd and final leg of junior in the spring. Will also be taking them on to Senior Hunter and Master Hunter titles if at all possible.


Now if I could just find someone to trial my dogs :D



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Thanks Mate,


These 3 dogs have a lot of natural talent in them. Apparent in the scores, or I would never have been able to pull it off. Trying for a second title leg in 2 weeks time and then it will be time to back the 3 of them up and solidify the training.


The nice thing is I have 3 new dogs to hunt this fall and time to get them ready for the 3rd and final leg of junior in the spring. Will also be taking them on to Senior Hunter and Master Hunter titles if at all possible.


Now if I could just find someone to trial my dogs ;)





Best get Trix onboard then Dan.


Apparently the female is able to do something called multi tasking :D







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