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Fox's Tail - Help with removing the bone


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you should have just cut around base of tail with sharp knife ,then wrap a piece of shoelace or a stick with a split in end in the cut youve made,stand on fox to hold it still and pull upwards whilst holdig string tight against bone,and the brush will slide of like a sock.if you allready got tail off with bone,your gonna gave to try and cut away at end of tail,to get enough bone showing ,so you can get someone to hold bone with mole grips,then use same method as explained earlier and slip it off. :blush:

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Interesting, never thought about collecting Fox brushes before, so, once removed do you have to use any kind of cure'ing salts/liquids etc or is HD's sun drying method the usual way to do it?

I dont dry the tails out i stick them in a freezer for an annual vermin count our gun club takes part in :yes:

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The best way to preserve them is with domestic borax (buy it from boots for about £2-50 - will do about 50 tails).


Remove the tail as in the posts above leaving the bone on the fox (I use a tail stripper bought on e-bay for about £2-50 - but get a metal one not the plastic versions - they can snap). Pull open the 'bone hole' and spoon in the borax. Every two teaspoons massage the lump of borax down and use a stick or something to push it down. Fill the tail right up and hang it to dry. The borax will dry the hide completely. Fraid it will still smell of fox so the wife will never let it into the house - but it won't rot!


I am gradually covering the ceiling of my garage with them!




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Interesting, never thought about collecting Fox brushes before, so, once removed do you have to use any kind of cure'ing salts/liquids etc or is HD's sun drying method the usual way to do it?


i was told by the fox hunt to soak them in meths for an hour or so then hang to dry but i'v never bothered

and mine are fine both squirrel and fox but i did remove them instantly so they don't foul

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