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silly fox


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couldn't believe this fox :D


i was getting too much glare off my mod using scope mounted lamp (Light Force 170), and had problems seeing through my scope even though i had a 4"" sunshade on,


any how i was at Mr Farmers on the hay bales again waiting for charlie and thought i would use my mobile phone as a caller :D set it up about 100yds from my position and using my cheapo NV from Liddles waited for a while scaned every now and again, then heard some movement behind me :D had a peep with the NV :D it was the big bushy tailed fox, i thought bloody hell how many are there round here ,10acres and had 7 already. Any way as mentioned earlier i was getting glare off the mod :D so i took it off :lol:. now this was about 10 minutes before rite. so got the fox in the scope red dot on the chest at about 60 yds and well no it wasn't "BANG" was more like " :D?:D" you can imagine i actually saw the fox jump :D i bloody missed :D:D gave myself a good telling off as you do :lol:


any way i thought mod off ,change of zero. me really smart you know. Mod back on!!!


back on the phone using the call see if was still about, this was about 5 minutes later also Mr Farmer had joined me on the bales, thought brill he can use the lamp :D.

he has a quick lamp round and we see a fox the same one :D sniffing round a mobile phone thats squeaking like a dying rabbit, there was a hedge between the fox and myself and looking through the scope all i could see were sum Howthorn branches and a pair of eyes, i moved into a better position, the next round bale, got it head shot only but good enough "BANG"---"SMACK" not a THUD or a POP was it a another miss :D whent over half smiling not sure whether i was going to pick up or not, looked were i thought it was expected to be not there, i eventually found it quite away out further than i thought about 150yds a neck shot this fox was once lucky but not twice :D


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When zeroed ,zero should not changed when the mod is removed

Are you sure :lol: chunk of stainless weighing 1lb6oz at the end of a barrel 2ft long. i mean i am not an expert in this field but it must change zero slightly, musn't it???

any way end result was good enough.


Zero is ok :lol: just one of those things

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The zero does shift when a mod is removed, well mine does anyways. Even though my mods are all relatively light on my .222 the POI shifts up about 1.5" @ 100yds when mod is removed, my HMR is about 0.5" @ 100yds and my 22rimmie is about 0.5" @ 50yds. The mods act as a MFC

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Dougy the trouble you have with glare from the 170 light force i had exactly the same trouble,


I have a S & B 8 X 56 on my 223 got a lot of glare same as you i put a shade on no better then i put another shade on (£25 a time)

job sorted no problems since.

Stick another shade on as well and give it a try worked for me.... :lol: :lol:

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Guest rabgoat

liked that we story DOUGY good shootin :lol: missed a fox a few weeks ago myself with the hmr,the vshok round went through it's front legs and it jumped up in the air looked down at the ground and walked away,yeah i give myself a good telling off too.must have been a bad round :lol::D

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nice one dougy :D the jet-z on mine brought poi down 4" its a nice bit the barrel is fairly heavy. when i had my .17rem i took off the front open sight went off out lampin with a fella back the road and missed a sitter that i knew i should have hit, checked zero next day it was 3" high :lol: boy was i ****** off at how stupid i was :lol:

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Dougy the trouble you have with glare from the 170 light force i had exactly the same trouble,


I have a S & B 8 X 56 on my 223 got a lot of glare same as you i put a shade on no better then i put another shade on (£25 a time)

job sorted no problems since.

Stick another shade on as well and give it a try worked for me.... :D :D

Been out and got a sheet of thin Alli rolled and taped it round the sunshade i have on allready :D tell you wot it looks the dogs danglies my scope is now 26 inches long(66cm) :D be able to poke charlie in the eye.


just got a text off MR farmer saying he can hear a fox from "over the fence"


what can i do to get over there :lol::lol:


thanks for the comments chaps


i'm not the only one then, to have that problem :D:D


out darting now :D

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the reason your zero shifted when you took the mod off is as follows


the baffles in teh moderator trap some of the gases that are let off when the round is fired this is what caues it to be slightly quiter, what it also does aswell is it slows the bullet slightly so if the moderator is taken off the point of impact will deviate and/or raise slightly due to the bullet being faster :unsure:

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