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A possible indication of how successful the existing (previous) camera is/was is the fact that someone set fire to it. I would imagine that the new cameras will be appearing all over the UK, but I only know about the nearby ones having seen it on the local news. We're one of just an initial handful of places in Devon and Cornwall which are getting the new bi-directional version of the speed cameras. It seems they're being installed where there's "speeding issues". What they mean is where they make the most money and now have the potential to double it.

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1 hour ago, wymberley said:

A possible indication of how successful the existing (previous) camera is/was is the fact that someone set fire to it. I would imagine that the new cameras will be appearing all over the UK, but I only know about the nearby ones having seen it on the local news. We're one of just an initial handful of places in Devon and Cornwall which are getting the new bi-directional version of the speed cameras. It seems they're being installed where there's "speeding issues". What they mean is where they make the most money and now have the potential to double it.

These the yellow ones with two camera's on?? One to get you coming and the other to get you going.

Had them in Wales for a couple of years now...

We are getting new ones - if you pass one in Rhyll and then pass another in Wrexham it works out if you must of been speeding to get there....Mind you with 20MPH coming soon to Wales, it would be a miracle if you can get there without using the A55 and A483 which are pretty much Average Speed Camera's all the way....

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This road used to be a 30mph - no schools - about 3 pedestrians a week - as you can see in the third picture the footpath doesn't exist down to the lights - it is now the start of a 20mph area ala the welsh assembly (2nd picture is the aerial shot of the road starting at the lights in the top left hand corner) - There is no need for it to be 20, but I can get on my bicycle though and do 30 without fear of being caught by a camera - a shooting buddy lives down there, and they have to use the lane and regularly get cycles undertaking them - and they are in a van with no rear windows etc for them to see cyclists bearing down on them. They have had a few close misses


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On 22/06/2023 at 13:28, Gordon R said:

I would be more supportive if getting caught twice resulted in a ban. No fines - just a straight 6 month or a year's ban.

They are merely a cash cow and I suspect have very, very little to do with safety.

I agree with a ban, but not 6-12 months. 

say you’re doing 35-40 in a 30, immediate 1 month ban. That’s enough to make people realise the errors of their ways. A 1 year ban is (for a lot of people) a life changing scenario especially if licences are needed for work. Anything over the threshold then the length of ban gets increased accordingly. There’s no excuse for speeding, I’ve been done twice and done the course twice, the first one because the road used to be 50mph and they dropped the limit to 40 and stuck a camera van on it. Second was a lapse of concentration when coming out of a 40 into a 30 and forgot to drop my speed. Both were over 10 years ago now. 

the whole system needs improvement. I think they have similar short “bans” in Australia and New Zealand. 

just my two pence worth. 

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I think that there is a significant difference between those who inadvertantly speed now and again often by accident (and cause relatively few issues) and are up to 10mph over the local speed and those who insist on speeding where ever they go and are often doing 40 in a 20, 50 in a 30 etc, though other than severity of fines and points/punishment that does not really reflect the serious transgressors and "crime" as most aren't caught or prosecuted.

However, the next generation of vehicles and especially electric vehicles from 2024 are going to have Inteliigent Speed Assistance fitted (software), which combined with GPS and local 5G smart sign posts is going to put a crushing halt on speeding simply because the car dash is going to beep every time you speed, until it determines you are not speeding and the deciding factor will be how long you can put up with the beeping at best and some cars are going to actively reduce speed until they determine you are not speeding at worst... there will however be a temporary manual override (if you think the computer is wrong so you can correct for potential accidents) but it will not enable permanant switch off.


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