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No, I have seen several posts with the F word disguised as ****, the posts then disappeared, I'm guessing they were deleted instead of modified.

In the Man Bags post, there has been several posts moved around, I don't have a clue whats going on, very frustrating when the post you just read is several posts further down.

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Some smart mod has "disguised" my swear word even further :good:

I personally dont see the problem with disguising them with f@!, oh wait I cant do that, how are you suppose to know what the word is?

Whats this then *******, whereas ******* gives you a clue, its not swearing.

I'm sorry to bring this one up but as far as I can see its an over reaction, there are far worse words used on this forum than the F word.

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When you joined this Forum you agreed to abide by the House Rules, which are located at the top left hand side of every page.


This is about one third of the way down the House Rules.

"The use of bad language, or mock bad language, is prohibited."


The auto censor will change some words to ****'s, but Moderators will also edit ones that slip through.


Where there is any doubt as to what is acceptable, Moderators will have to use their own judgement.

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When you joined this Forum you agreed to abide by the House Rules, which are located at the top left hand side of every page.


This is about one third of the way down the House Rules.

"The use of bad language, or mock bad language, is prohibited."


The auto censor will change some words to ****'s, but Moderators will also edit ones that slip through.


Where there is any doubt as to what is acceptable, Moderators will have to use their own judgement.



and rules are made to be broken :good:

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In everyday life I probably swear more than most, but for some reason, when on this forum and others, I become polite and PC. No nead for the **** and *&^% entries. If the post is constructed correctly, we all get the message. (I know sometimes we all like to let a switcher out of us). Always remember, juniors on this site. RANT OVER!!

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In everyday life I probably swear more than most, but for some reason, when on this forum and others, I become polite and PC. No nead for the **** and *&^% entries. If the post is constructed correctly, we all get the message. (I know sometimes we all like to let a switcher out of us). Always remember, juniors on this site. RANT OVER!!


I swear, I swear a lot, I'm in my 30's. Most kids I know swear more than me. Zero tollerance on correctly spelt swearing, I can understand, but getting a hard-on about pseudo blasphemy, or the disguising of words as a single letter followed by some ***'s is IMO, simply beyond the pale.


I have even, at one time had a " 'kin " deleted from one of my posts. And as everybody who knows 'Jimmy Jones' knows, it's only short hand for 'Blinking'.


Yeah OK, I'm sure someone will be along soon to say 'you agreed to the rules, when you joined' but frankly, if you're happy to follow rules without ever thinking to question them, then you may as well cash in your chips and head-off to Germany. I hear that they still like a bit of blind observence, there.


Oh, and if you don't like what I've said...I must remind you that when I signed up, I didn't promise to stop living in the real world just because I'm intercoursing with the virtual. If the 'management' want to run a christian fellowship, would they please post a big fat cross and a fish symbol on the home page. End of.

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This turns up so often it should be a pinned topic.


What like this pinned topic?




I swear as much if not more than anyone in the real world (with possible exception of Pin maybe :good: ) but what we do there, and what we do here are 2 different things.

What we say here is for anyone with a web connected PC to read, and the owner of the board has asked for there to be no swearing.


It doesn't get any simpler than that does it?

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Ok, an example do I say "I almost poohed myself", to me that doesn't sound quite right.

Just take a wonder over to youtube and read some of the comments, they are ******* and blinding all the time, it doesn't effect youtubes hits, no one complains. Thats because there aren't many over 4's on youtube that don't know what the f word means, nor do people take offense. Even my niece who is 2 knows the f word (don't know how that happened).


I did agree to the rules, but the rules seem to have changed recently.

An example, this could mean at least two words: ****

Is it the f word or s word, no one knows unless you can place an f or s in front. I try to keep my swearing to a limit on all forums, but there are certain circumstances where you need to add the odd f word.


All I'm asking is that we can add a letter to the start of the word so it gives you a clue to what its suppose to say. Otherwise just having stars in a post isn't going to be at all helpful!. If you see something you dont like please modify the post don't delete it.



My definition:

MODS= Modifiers not Moderators :good:

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In everyday life I probably swear more than most, but for some reason, when on this forum and others, I become polite and PC. No nead for the **** and *&^% entries. If the post is constructed correctly, we all get the message. (I know sometimes we all like to let a switcher out of us). Always remember, juniors on this site. RANT OVER!!


I swear, I swear a lot, I'm in my 30's. Most kids I know swear more than me. Zero tollerance on correctly spelt swearing, I can understand, but getting a hard-on about pseudo blasphemy, or the disguising of words as a single letter followed by some ***'s is IMO, simply beyond the pale.


I have even, at one time had a " 'kin " deleted from one of my posts. And as everybody who knows 'Jimmy Jones' knows, it's only short hand for 'Blinking'.


Yeah OK, I'm sure someone will be along soon to say 'you agreed to the rules, when you joined' but frankly, if you're happy to follow rules without ever thinking to question them, then you may as well cash in your chips and head-off to Germany. I hear that they still like a bit of blind observence, there.


Oh, and if you don't like what I've said...I must remind you that when I signed up, I didn't promise to stop living in the real world just because I'm intercoursing with the virtual. If the 'management' want to run a christian fellowship, would they please post a big fat cross and a fish symbol on the home page. End of.




Made me chuckle.


Would now be an appropriate time for me to call you all ******* and then one of the mods close this thread.

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Even my niece who is 2 knows the f word (don't know how that happened).


Post of the day so far for me, thankyou :good:


Post of the day, how about this one then.

She can say it in context, so if she is watching deal or no deal and the 250k box is opened "OH ****". The thing is you dont know if you should ignore it or make a point. If you make a point she will know its wrong.

And another one:

"And where dont you kick daddy?"

"In the ********"


Glad they are over 250 miles away, wouldn't like to be kicked in the you know what by her!

Edited by Axe
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