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Leaky land rover radiator


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A top tip this boys and girls, (do you like my all inclusive style?).


My SIII Landy developed a small hole in the front of the radiator about halfway up and all I could see was pound note signs, (again).


However, a quick question on another forum gave me a £1.99 answer - araldite!


It's brilliant, (so far), and seems to have got harder as the radiator reached working temp.


I love the internet :good:



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A quick temp solution is to break some egg into it, the heat hardens the egg and fills the hole, ive seen it done and it works! :good:



but what damage does a boiled egg do floating round the cooling system, this really isn't one to try if you value your vehicle. Bung some form of leak sealer in Pedro as you can leave them running in the system and when a hole starts to develop then it gets sealed straight away

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A quick temp solution is to break some egg into it, the heat hardens the egg and fills the hole, ive seen it done and it works! :unsure:



Its what all the soldiers use :blink: :yp: :o :) :( :lol::no: (boiled egg and soldiers) :no::no::no:



But on a serious note, use the JB Weld not araldite as araldite goes soft with heat but JB Weld doesn't, and its basically liquid mettle so can be use for cracked engine blocks, cylinder heads etc. its guaranteed to work. :good:

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if ya want to have overheating problems break an egg into ya rad yes it will block the hole but it will also block the fine watrer ways that the water flows though to cool it down if ya can do what lb said clean the area and solder it aslong as the rad aint rotten this will be a permanent repair and ya can then forget about it ..

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dont attempt to solder it unless you have experience at it. If the leak is close to the edge of the rad you will run the risk of melting the other soldered joints. Just clean it and JB Weld it :good: . Also like sparky said dont use egg or other stop leak additives as they wont do any good long term and you run the risk of loosing cooling capabilities with blockages.

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solder it its real easy get a gas soldering from maplins Just £10 pound a small bit of wire wool to clean the area and some flux and solder using the hot air nozzle heat the area cover it with flux and keep wiping the solder over the area until it takes dont over heat it as this may disturb other joints but generally if its nr the middle of the rad theres little to no chance of this and even @ the edge with this little iron its unlikely , trust me its easy and preferment having said that the aluminum powder type rad repair avil in small rip open packets it a treat

eggs are best kept for eating they did work on old low pressure systems and prob still do ive also seen it done but trusting it to work on ya way to an important place / date humm not me !!!

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trust me, Ive been in the trade for many years now and if it was that easy i would solder every rad that leaks as i would make far more money. When soldering the golden rule is "cleanliness is next to godliness". Now ok you have cleaned it till its spotless but what you haven't done is cleaned the coating of anti-freeze from the inside or managed to dry it thoroughly. The slightest but of water will turn to steam and ruin the area your trying to fix. If you get it to hot the antifreeze will contaminate the weld also. I have soldered many rads in my time but in general I've found it to be a pain in the **** as you wont know if you have fixed the leak until its refitted and ran at normal temperature. If it leaks you have to repeat the whole process again but then its harder to repair as you have already tried once. So to do it right first time use JB Weld, its about £5

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