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The first one is almost certainly Lepista Racodes which is the "shaggy" version of the parasol. They are often quite tall on a hollow woody stem. Throw the stem away.


You will need to check closely with a book or someone local who can inspect it. To be 100% sure look at the stem, gills and spore print etc but my money is on shaggy parasol.


I love them .... stuff the small ones and bake them in foil. I often stuff with pesto/rice


For the flat heads... coat in egg and breadcrumbs seasoned and with a bit of chopped parsley and pan fry for a heavenly feast.


As for the others .... I don't recognise any as edible or worthy of eating.



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The shaggy parasol is popularly praised as a choice edible. However, it is widely agreed, the mushroom contains toxins which can cause gastric upsets when the mushroom is consumed raw or undercooked and is potentially harmful to a few individuals even after cooking.


Furthermore, young shaggy parasols look identical to the poisonous Chlorophyllum molybdites.


According to wikipedia mate, so go careful :welcomeani:

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I read an article on gathering mushrooms once and our French cousins are way ahead of us. Apparently you can take you fungi to pharmacies where they will advise you on their safety to eat. The article then went on to say that the 2 foremost French specialists in fungi both died from eating poisonous mushrooms. I get mine from Tesco now!

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