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Wading Stick


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22 minutes ago, Svenandolaf said:

I have various sticks I have cut which are drying and being straightened and wondered what I should use as a coating to protect them? I will use them on the marsh so lots of mud and salt water, would Tung oil be ok? 

use a quality marine varnish ....

  1. cut back by 75% for 2 coats
  2. cut back by 50% for 2 coats
  3. cut back by 10% for 1 coat
  4. full varnish 1 full coat
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I give my sticks a very light rub with some fine wire wool then wax and polish with brown boot polish, when dry I put a small amount of silicon grease/oil on my hands and rub in for five minutes, extremely water proof and last for a few outing but the silicon needs doing again once in a while, I do the same with my guns (minus the boot polish) I also rub my hands over the metal work.

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14 minutes ago, Dave at kelton said:

This!   Use it on all my sticks

dont rush it ...leave plenty of time between each coat so it dry's....and you will end up with a very hard coating.......i suggest before you apply the first thin coat ..put your sticks inthe airing cupboard ...so the wood when very dry and warm will suck the 75% cutback inside..

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Get a length of plastic pipe about 3/4" wider in diameter. Cap it off. Insert stick...full length...pout in wood preserver and leave to soak. Topping up as necessary. Job done. Wading stick sometimes get loose or even let loose if they have to be abandoned. I'd not put effort into it nor want one that had a varnished and therefore slippery exterior. Old oil based paint allowed to soak in would also work if you follow the helpful airing cupboard tip another OP has given.

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