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Swapping 177 to .25 gunpower stealth


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There is absolutely no point at all in going to .25 cal on a non FAC gun, unless of course you want to watch the pellet's line of flight. I bought a springer, a Hatsan I think it was, in .25 cal some years ago on my airgun journey and it was just terrible, the pellets were pedestrian and that is being kind,

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  • 2 weeks later...

As can be noted from replies above the sub 12ftlbs 25 cal is a vastly underrated rated choice.

If you gun shoots H&N FTT 25 pellets, well you have a winner that knocks the snot out of everything it hits.

Ignore the comments on pedestrian and rainbow, understand the trajectory and you are fine.


Zeroed at 25 yards, you are looking at a drop of 3.7inch in 25 v's a drop of 2.8inch in 22 with FTT's at 40 yards.

Timewise your time on impact at 40 yards is 0.255sec, compared to 0.225 sec of the .22 and is not significant.

You are also carrying 8.13ftlbs instead of 7.3ftlbs which is significant!

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I've got a Hatsan .25 striker and a new np02 .25. 

Marksman pellets are proving very good powerwise in both rifles, 11.02 in the np02 10.3 for the ftt's and 11.58 in the striker and 10.6 for the ftt's. 

The np02 needs to run in and lead up too, it had its supplied fill 175bar and 2 more fills since and done nearly 1000 pellets, mental shot count,and the supplied chrono test from the factory is nothing but comical 11.64 with 31g superdome is actually 10.8ftlb. 

I was an ardent .22 fan but having seen little difference in .25 I took the plunge thanks to chairgun pro. 

The top target was 3 shots at 10 yards off hand with the striker with marksman. 

For £70 it's one of my best purchases. 

GO FOR IT!!!! 






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