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Ithaca Silenced 12g info


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I have a single shot Silenced shotgun and over the weekend it started to misfire, its never happened before.

I opened the gun and removed the cartridge and it seems the firing pin is not right.

Does anyone have any information on my predicament or have any advise they can offer me.

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, if it is could someone move to the right section please.

Thank you

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Assuming it's not the ammo (some people automatically assume the gun is malfunctioning after just one misfire) first check would be remove and inspect the striker. Check condition of the striker and make sure it runs free and the striker hole isn't full of muck. Also check run through in that it protrudes correctly in order to strike the primer. Check mainspring. Probably a coil mainspring. They compress with age. Don't know the new OAL so for the cost I'd replace it with new anyway. You'd have to find one that matches it from another make as I doubt you'll get spares in the UK for Ithaca. Or go on the American forums. Maybe an Ithaca aficionado on here perhaps. 

Or take it to a qualified gunsmith.

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Thank you all for the replies, I will take pictures tonight when home from work and hopefully this will help with identifying the problem. 

My local gun dealer who I normally use has retired hence the questions on here.

Acquiring things from usa isn't a problem as my daughter lives out there and family are always to and fro.

All the best


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7 hours ago, Andy H said:

That looks like your firing pin tip is flat under magnification of your picture , Has someone made a new firing pin and not hardened it so the tip will flatten off after time.

No I had it a few years and no one has touched it, it worked Sunday then I struggled to open it and after that it kept misfiring. 

59 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Firing pin replacement and glad you have identified it.

I was looking forward to seeing an Ithaca single barrel trap gun with a moderator.

Sorry about the confusion with the make, would this be a straightforward job for a gunsmith  ?


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As said, Firing pin has had it.

I got a .410 a couple of years back, and after 30 mins it has snapped  firing pin, and i thought that it was a gonner..I didnt realise at the time as i was new to shooting, that a gunsmith makes them pretty much daily!

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Unaware of this manufacturer, out of idle curiosity I googled their website only to be told that my location did not allow me access. So I changed my VPN location to the USA and Bingo !! An interesting read.

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1 minute ago, mmamonster said:

Would be easier to buy one and do myself,  not sure of any decent ones near me.


If you can find one of course.

Im only talking from experience, as I couldn’t find one for my previous gun.

Unless your good with a lathe!

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Just now, BobbyH said:

If you can find one of course.

Im only talking from experience, as I couldn’t find one for my previous gun.

Unless your good with a lathe!

True, I have never used a lathe but I know someone who does so that's a good idea.

I will ask him if he will do me one.


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