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A farmer friend of mine put me in touch with the gamekeeper on his land as there was some pheasants up for grabs from the estate, went up to see see him. Very nice chap and had a great chat about shooting and the local area etc. Ended up with 8 pheasants but really could have ended up with more if i'd wanted. But 8 is enough to be getting on with. And the cost ?? Nothing. He wouldnt take anything for them, as he's rather give them away than take these silly prices birds seem to go for these days. If no cash is required then a case of beer or 2 will be dropped off next time i'm up. Was well happy and also have the prospect of some beating. Couldn't praise this lad enough.



Any hoo, dressed 4 birds last night. Each with the intention of plucking them all over but that got scrapped a few times as the rips became more and more. Best result was one monster cock bird that dressed out @ 3 lbs !!! Massive. This was tonights effort. Again had to skin some again. Have already made a batch of casserole which I had tonight, superb it was too and the freeezer is stocked up. But I shall be taking more if they are available no doubt. The last pic is of a hen which seems particulary well fed. All birds were in great condition and relativley young and plump with good fat levels through all, much healthier and better all round than anything from the shop.




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Hi All,

Sorry to sound a bit thick, but how do you skin a pheasant? I have either done the full plucking job or just had the breast by peeling the chest skin back. Do I just need to carry on peeling the skin away, I imagine that it gets complicated around the legs???


Any advise would be useful, getting a bit bored of just the breasts....





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Hi All,

Sorry to sound a bit thick, but how do you skin a pheasant? I have either done the full plucking job or just had the breast by peeling the chest skin back. Do I just need to carry on peeling the skin away, I imagine that it gets complicated around the legs???


Any advise would be useful, getting a bit bored of just the breasts....







Yeah all you do is carry on peeling the skin. First remove the wings close to the body, then take the head off close into the body, making sure not to damage the breasts (you could empty the crop as this point as well.) Then proceed to peel the skin away from the neck end down till you get to the parsons nose. Just peel back the skin till your clear of the body and cut the nose off at the base taking the tail feathers with it and the rest of the skin and feathers. Then just joint up the bird. and cut the ends of legs off. Which you could have removed then tendons first if you want. Easy peasy.

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Hi All,

Sorry to sound a bit thick, but how do you skin a pheasant? I have either done the full plucking job or just had the breast by peeling the chest skin back. Do I just need to carry on peeling the skin away, I imagine that it gets complicated around the legs???


Any advise would be useful, getting a bit bored of just the breasts....







Full set of photos and instruction HERE !


No complications at all !

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That looks a fine brace fella, hope you enjoy as much as i do. definately easier to skin , but they probably lose a bit of flavour in doing so, they have special oil glands that flavour the meat and hold on to it during cooking,,having said that,duck seems to fayre well skinned, not half as messy

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I was shown a way last year of skinning pheasants in less than a minute, i know you are all thinking im crazy but an old fella showed me who was a gamekeper on a local shoot, you hold the bird by the legs with the breast towards you stand on each of the wings about half way up then simply stand up and pull sharply, it takes all of the skin off and the wings and also removes all the guts! all you have to do is cut the feet off.

its an excellent quick way if you have a lot of birds to do, i wish there was a quick way to pluck them too!


saying about the price of pheasants the same shoot here in wiltshire put 1500 birds into a pit last year as they couldnt find any buyers and couldnt even give them away, im not opposed to driven shoots but its totally reckless to waste that amount of birds and killing them just for the hell of it is crazy, they should be made to have an outlet for the birds before they are shot

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I was shown a way last year of skinning pheasants in less than a minute, i know you are all thinking im crazy but an old fella showed me who was a gamekeper on a local shoot, you hold the bird by the legs with the breast towards you stand on each of the wings about half way up then simply stand up and pull sharply, it takes all of the skin off and the wings and also removes all the guts! all you have to do is cut the feet off.

its an excellent quick way if you have a lot of birds to do, i wish there was a quick way to pluck them too!


saying about the price of pheasants the same shoot here in wiltshire put 1500 birds into a pit last year as they couldnt find any buyers and couldnt even give them away, im not opposed to driven shoots but its totally reckless to waste that amount of birds and killing them just for the hell of it is crazy, they should be made to have an outlet for the birds before they are shot



Will definately try that when I pick up my next batch! I hear ya on the burying carryon as well.

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That looks a fine brace fella, hope you enjoy as much as i do. definately easier to skin , but they probably lose a bit of flavour in doing so, they have special oil glands that flavour the meat and hold on to it during cooking,,having said that,duck seems to fayre well skinned, not half as messy


Wish they had pheasant around here. They do in my home state of Pennsylvania, but not in Louisiana.



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