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Angling and shooting next


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Just got this off uk.rec.shooting.game:


"Angling and shooting next, says Labour MP

Until now, Labour opponents of the proposed hunting ban have been

restrained in their criticism of the Government. No longer, though.

Kate Hoey, the most prominent pro-hunting Labour MP, has written

a startling article for the next issue of the Field magazine,

in which she alleges that the Government is deliberately misleading

the public over the future of shooting and fishing.

Hoey says that Michael's so-called utility test, which determines

whether various forms of hunting are necessary for pest control,

is a precursor to future bans on shooting and fishing: "If the

utility test were to become law, then game shooting and coarse

fishing would be drawn in by the same the criteria. The zealots

who want to ban hunting will waste no time, if they are successful,

in turning their campaign to ban other sports."

The Government, while resolutely failing to address Hoey's specific

claims, none the less makes a manful attempt to pour cold water on

them. "There is nothing in the hunting Bill that has any

implications for shooting and fishing," insists a spokesman for

Mr Michael. "It's mischievous to suggest otherwise.""

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Guest flightline

I think you`re right Ernyha. But why hasn`t Duncan Smith sais they will repeal any hunting ban/licensing nonsense, should theyb be returned to power? All I think he`s promised is a free vote on the issue. And we know some Tories are anti, like Anne Widdecombe. :C  :C  :C

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Make no mistake shooting WILL BE NEXT. Don't forget the anti movement pays peoples wages. Do you think that people will willingly go on the dole just because hunting with dogs is banned? No they will focus on the next item on the agenda.. probably rearing game for shooting (this is already banned in Holland). As for IDS he was on the countryside alliance march along with William Hauge (who was next to me). If there were a credible alternative to Labour tb would be quaking in his boots at the moment. O


One last thing the labour party vowed to ban ALL blood sports in the 70's. Thay don't have the guts to do it in a one off so they are doing it piecemeal.... Death by a thousand cuts! If you value your sport at least you'll know who NOT to vote for in the next election.



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Guest flightline

Unfortunately, William, you have only to read the letters in the angling press to know that a lot of silly pr*ts think they`re under no threat because nice Tony Blair said so, or fish aren`t cuddly so nobody cares about them, or 4 million people can`t be browbeaten or fishing`s so not cruel, the fishes actually love being caught as they come back for more unless actually knocked on the head.


Some fishermen are very anti hunting or feel that if fishers support hunting they`ll get attacked too. They are so blind to what`s going on and the threat it poses to them.


I really think that there is a place for the sort of political party they have in France (though the rural population is a far greater proportion than it is here)-they`ve actually got I think it`s 3 Euro MPs. All you`d need is 5% (I think it is) in the National poll for the European Parliament and you get an MP allocated through PR. It would generate a fair bit of publicity at the very least. :evil:

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It always amuses me when the Angling Groups and others refer to "4-5 million anglers in the UK".


The Enviroment Agencies own website states that 1,143,430 rod licences were sold in the UK in the season 2001/2002.

That covers all freshwater angling, including salmon and trout.

If an angler wishes to use more than two rods (carp and pike anglers mainly), they have to buy two licences.

So, how many anglers are there in the UK :D? :D


I accept that a few people don,t buy licences, but if they are not prepared to pay £21 per year to fish, they are hardly likely to summon up the energy to join a protest.


I am an angler, but I admit that certain practices in fishing are hard to defend.

Live baiting, keep nets, even sticking worms and maggots on hooks, can be portrayed as cruel and we haven,t even started to discuss what a fish feels like, being dragged out of its habitat, on the end of a hook.


No, I think angling has plenty to worry about.

A lot more than pigeon shooters have, thats for sure.

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Guest flightline


Add sea anglers, the Scots, who don`t require a licence, children and the many anglers who don`t buy  a licence and you get a total approaching 4m I suspect. Unfortunately, it`s not a lobby that punches its weight as it is relatively unconscious or dismissive of the threat and not organised as strogly as say shooters.

It seems to me that the biggest threat to pigeon shooting (and one to which angling is much less prone) is excessive urbanisation. If anything will do for pigeon shooting in some parts of the country, it`s this. We`ve all no doubt shot on fields that were viable even 5 years ago but now have houses nearby with people who complain at noise or the imagined cruelty, or where the use of a local footpath is now so great that shooting is impossible.  :D

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Ignore the Scottish anglers, as they have a different system and may not be affected by any fishing restrictions, in the rest of the UK.

There are not as many sea anglers as there use to be, as the sea fishing generally has deteriorated to a major degree.

I would still be suprised if there were even close to 2 million fisherpeople.

I agree that they are a complacent bunch and as such an easy target.


Urbanisation is the enemy of most country sports and practises.

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Some years ago I had the dubious privilege of working in the same office as an anti-bloodsport ,anti most things individual. It soon became clear that we were not on the same wavelength so we never got on much,nevertheless after two years of listening to his preaching to other members of the staff who would lend him an ear for his views,the following facts came out.

The banning of fox hunting was just the first item on their agenda,with game shooting a close second and any form of sport with guns thereafter. (they had an influential input in the banning of all hand guns)

Angling was high on their list for prohibition and anglers who ignore their threat do so at their own peril.

People should realise that a lot of these anti,s are professionals and they are not going to give up their jobs as soon as they get their way with fox hunting. Also remember they made a large donation to the election fund of the current government and even though perhaps not totally in agreement with all of their aims,they feel obliged to offer their support.

Two other sports that are on the list but not yet in the spotlight are horse racing and greyhound racing. It would be easy for people to say that they would never get these sports banned in our lifetime but how many people are alive today who said the same about fox hunting?

We ignore these people at our own risk,be warned.

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I fish as well as shoot.I think fishing is a form of hunting we seek our prey and lay a trap to catch it.I also have a job the anti's hate( slaughterman ) If we all stick together i think the goverment will think twice about banning either sport.Joe public doesn't realise what a large part both sports play in the country side.

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