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My dearly beloved has convinced me to bring the date of our wedding forward with the promise of an air rifle of my choosing sub £1K as a wedding present.


First of I've heard read most of the pros and cons of both .177 and .22 regards hitting power tragegtory etc, but am still unsure of which to go for. Secondly which mutlishot PCP do you recommend I'm a left hooker and object too anybody charging extra for a left handed stock. Is the BSA hornet multi much cop, a true ambi rifle or just a gimmick. Any suggestions welcomed






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If you are looking for a pcp airgun and money is no concern then look into these makers : Air Arms, Daystate, Theoben, Falcon, FX airguns and maybe BSA too.

I can´t say that every of these makers do left handed stocks but Daystate certainly does.


If you are thinking about putting the gun you have bought on FAC in the future then go for a .22 - do not get a .177 then.


Cheers - Bolta

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Squintshot, excuse my 'glib' reply earlier, you are truly lucky to have a woman like her.


Check out a AAS410 as its an incredibly accurate gun, but remember to get a divers bottle rather than a pump, as I am told a stroke can affect your shooting. :D


Good luck with the wedding :blink:



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get a 177.  or a .20 if you gonna get an fac


get one of the rapid range 2 so later when you get an fac u can upgrade without buying a new gun :blink:



How´s that :D


You can´t use .177 if you want around 30 ft/lbs !!! You will simply run out off pellet weight if you want that power.

If he buys a .177 - he may have to swap barrel and bolt afterwards to get it to perform at FAC levels and that is extra money.


Good advice is that, don´t get a .177 over 17-18 ft/lbs because of the pellet problem. The cal. .20 should be in range off 12 ft/lbs to max. 25 ft/lbs in FAC. The .22 should be in range from around 15 ft/lbs to max. 30-35 ft/lbs.

And the .25 should first starts at 30 ft/lbs and it should go up to around 60 ft/lbs.


And nearly every pcp airgun can be modified to perform at FAC levels - not just the Rapid range of guns without he has to buy a new gun !!!!


Cheers - Bolta

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this is my opinion if you want FAC just go buy a .22 rimfire why have the hassle of converting also air rifle hunting is about skill 12ftlbs range 35-40 yds with fac your taking the stalking out of an air rifle might aswell get a bullet gun :blink:

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a theoben rapid in .25 at 40-50 ft lbs is more powerful and shoots just as fare as the other cals if not it shoots further 25 is the best cal in FAC .22 pells are cheaper and easier to find though so you make the deicition i'd go fot the 25




only just read ur last post



go for the 177 or .20 for the 12 ft lbs


theres so many scope out the ive got a 3-9x40 hawke scope and it good enough!


erm i had a one peice mount on my gun

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Hi again,


In my opinion you will better off with an airgun instead of a rimmy. Although a rimmy is more cheap than a high power FAC airgun - it also is more "dangerous" to use, the bullet will reach fare out than a pellet ever will. Plus you can not take birds in trees with a rimmy - again to dangerous.


Scopes. I will take a hard look at Bushnell´s range of scopes if I were you - especially Elite 3200 and 4200 series, if money is no concern. There are other scopes too but have a look first at these scopes. Since the scope are going on a pcp airgun you don´t have to worry about recoil proffness. Other scope makers are : Hawke, BSA, Nikko Stirling, Simmons, Swift and more...


Bipod. If you want the best types on the market then go for Harris bipods. Here you have to make up your mind if you want a tilt or non-tilt model. Get a tilt model if you are planning to shoot in the field where the ground not often is flat.


Cheers - Bolta

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a theoben rapid in  .25 at 40-50 ft lbs is more powerful and shoots just as fare as the other cals if not it shoots further 25 is the best cal in FAC .22 pells are cheaper and easier to find though so you make the deicition i'd go fot the 25




only just read ur last post



go for the 177 or .20 for the 12 ft lbs


theres so many scope out the ive got a 3-9x40 hawke scope and it good enough!get a 1 peice mount if you can



A 1-piece mount on a pcp airgun :blink:? How in earth are you going to load the airgun :D?


No, no. 2-piece mounts on a pcp airgun, thanks ! I don´t think ak47 knows what he is doing.


Cheers - Bolta

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hi squint,


firstly your making the right move about askign before getting. :blink:


my advise would be air arms s410 classic (not carbine) in .177 with divers bottle to recharge it.


if you decide to go for FAC first choice would be the rapid in .22


a .177 at 12F/lbs gives a very similar pelet tarjectory of a .22 at 24F/lbs


the S410 is a very nice rifle to sit on the shoulder, easpecially if you go for the thumbhole, though shooting thumbs up wiht this one is not an option ??? with mine i get aprox 60 good shots with another 20 usable shots, as its unregulated.


using .177 you dont have to worry so much about hold over/under about +/- 1.5inches inch difference between 15 and 45 yards.


the best advice i can give you though is find out if there are any airgun clubs in your area and try if you can to pop along. most the clubs are very friendy and willing to give all the advice you could need, and most the time you would be able to try variouse rifles out there to find out wich one sits best with you.


but i would stay away from the .20 and .25 cals as the pellets are a ****** to come accros, have had a couple of .20s and they group no where near as good as .177 or .22


with the .22 there is a lot more ractice involved at 12F/lbs as the pellet travels in a much higher arche, i.e hold under at 15 yards would be about 3 inches and hold over at 45 yards would be about 6 inches.


but there is not really any difference when it comes to taking a .177 or a .22 in o the field, as thats when the field craft comes in, if you cant get close to them you aint goingto hit them no matter what your shooting


with regards to thinking about upgradign a current rifle to FAC levels should not be an option, yes it is possible but it has to be done by an RFD (registered firearms dealer) and this would cost you money, best option would be get a 12f/lbs rifle then when you decide your ready for the longer range of FAC sell it and purchase the FAC rifle of your choice. You may well find that FAC rifles are selling for less as you have a more limited market than NON FAC rifles.


but try as many rifles as you can before you deside on one, i found out to my expense that the career 707 looks amazing, it shoots dead accuratly, and is easy to cock without coming off target.......BUT....... was most uncomfortable when it was on the shoulder! so off it went two days later ???


hope this helps you out a little



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and now for the scopes :blink:


my recomendation on these would be buy the best you can afford, your only ever going to need one regardless of changing rifles.


unless your going to go for rimfire/centre fire i would leave the paralax adjustable scopes alone. have had them and by the time you rnage it using the objective lens bunnys popped down hole.


keep things as simple as possible to avoid any unesacerry movemnt as your only shooting out to about 40 yards with airgun judgment shouldnt be too much of a problem.


the best scope i have used on a air rifle was a simmons whitetail classic 3.5-10x50 amaizing clear optics with a granite finish kept on 6xmag with a 30/30 reticle. every shot would be half way either side of the fine x hairs


and as you owuld more than likly be getting a pre charge rifle you wont have to worry about the weight of the scope weighing you down :D


but in the case of the rifle would say a multishot is a MUST have as its very hard to fiddle with pellets in middle of winter with ncie warm gloves on.


and dont foget slings and bi pod check out opticswarehouse.com for best prices and best bipods


one way or the other we will get you sorted out ???


all the best


ROB ???

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A 1-piece mount on a pcp airgun ???? How in earth are you going to load the airgun ????


No, no. 2-piece mounts on a pcp airgun, thanks ! I don´t think ak47 knows what he is doing.


Cheers - Bolta

Sound like a daft thing to say, but....does this actually hinder the magazine..never thought of that. :) :( :oops: Was thinking of investing in one for AAs410

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this is my opinion if you want FAC just go buy a .22 rimfire why have the hassle of converting also air rifle hunting is about skill 12ftlbs range 35-40 yds with fac your taking the stalking out of an air rifle might aswell get a bullet gun :)


should i apply for an FAC for a .22 rimfire if it is my first gun im applying for?


I want to further my hunting skills and i dont think my .22 gives a clean anough kill.


(i have land to shoot on, and im soon to be a member of my local gun club)




oh, and if i was you i'd get .177 over a .22, but i wouldnt know about FAC but i hear .25 are ace at 30lbs+.

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Squint me old mate....


Dont waste your time any longer mate. Talk to Theoben. www.theoben.co.uk explain what you want and get a rapid7Mk2 LHS. They will also help you with a combo.


Dont expect not to pay extra for a left hand stock, There are not many of us kack handers about so production costs are Higher. I have to pay a premium for my golf clubs!


Dont bother with anything other than a .22 if you are using it for hunting .177 is best for FT use. It is a misconception that .22 guns are less accurate. I have used .177 for rabbit hunting ( Big mistake ) the pellet has not enough energy to kill cleanly 8 out of 10 times. ( OK guys tell me I am wrong)


Dont Look a gift horse in the mouth If your Gal can cook, lets you satisfy your carnal lust on her nubile young body and is prepared to let you spend a Big G on the air rifle combo of you choice she must be a very special lady mate.


Dont compromise on quality for price. You get what you pay for in life mate and air rifles are no different. As far as I am concerned The Theoben range are up there with the best of the PCP,s and are superb. I have had a good few in my time and this is one I will never sell.!


Dont listen to Bolta. I am sure he works for Daystate. ( Only Joking ) :) :( :oops:


Good luck.

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