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Immigrants Everywhere!!!


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I find the feral offspring of our own countrymen hanging on street corners and wrecking communities far more worrying


never seen the above blow a bus or tube station up though.


So how many imigrants have you seen blow up buses. Im sure The ira have blown up more. Oh and there UK Citzens. You may have not seen them blow up buses but they do murder children on liverpool and manchester streets. Or beat granfathers to death outside there homes in view of there grandchildren.

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Guest The Outlaw
I find the feral offspring of our own countrymen hanging on street corners and wrecking communities far more worrying


never seen the above blow a bus or tube station up though.


So how many imigrants have you seen blow up buses. Im sure The ira have blown up more. Oh and there UK Citzens. You may have not seen them blow up buses but they do murder children on liverpool and manchester streets. I beat granfathers to death outside there homes in view of there grandchildren.

Why the hell do you beat grandfathers to death in front of thier grandchildren.


I hope your FEO isnt reading this you murderous ***.



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I find the feral offspring of our own countrymen hanging on street corners and wrecking communities far more worrying


never seen the above blow a bus or tube station up though.


So how many imigrants have you seen blow up buses. Im sure The ira have blown up more. Oh and there UK Citzens. You may have not seen them blow up buses but they do murder children on liverpool and manchester streets. Or beat granfathers to death outside there homes in view of there grandchildren.

No sorry Bud the IRA are from southern Ireland. Not part of the UK! Anyway its nearly Xmas lets not fall out. :friends::ernyha::lol::lol::friends:

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I find the feral offspring of our own countrymen hanging on street corners and wrecking communities far more worrying


never seen the above blow a bus or tube station up though.


So how many imigrants have you seen blow up buses. Im sure The ira have blown up more. Oh and there UK Citzens. You may have not seen them blow up buses but they do murder children on liverpool and manchester streets. Or beat granfathers to death outside there homes in view of there grandchildren.

No sorry Bud the IRA are from southern Ireland. Not part of the UK! Anyway its nearly Xmas lets not fall out. :ernyha::drinks::lol::friends::friends:


Some were also Northern Ireland residents (UK) however as you said merry christmas :lol:

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Point taken but all I read from posts like yours ae that you are not even a closet racist......yours is overt ....and cynical....and does no good what so ever except fuel the racism row in favour of the loony left.


Terrorism and immigration(what this thread is about) do not necessarily go hand in hand.....where was richard wright from....your neck of the woods I believe.....Yorkshire or the like......true he for some reason converted to being a muslim... but the Germans killed hundereds of rhousands not so long ago and they were a great bunch of christians weren't they.


And lets face it.....the muslims wouldn't have such a gripe if historcially we didn't keep trying to invade(unsuccesfully) there home countries for the last few thousand years to nick their natural resources.


I am proud to be English(and British) and have lost at the hands of murdering terrorists.....but I make the point of not getting that mixed up with IMMIGRATION

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Ps......Global warming.....lets blame the Foreigners :friends:



death from below, surely not, nobody would be that .....................Ooooops. :friends:



Yep your right there, the Chinese are building over 900 Coal fired power stations!!plus India is now taking off producing huge amounts of CO2. whats the percentage of Carbon footprints being produced by Britain in comparison ??About 2% of the worlds total. this is just another stinking Stealth tax imposed by New Labour. to pay for all the people flooding in, and to pay for this Ilegal war in Iraq. :lol::lol:
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Ps......Global warming.....lets blame the Foreigners :friends:



death from below, surely not, nobody would be that .....................Ooooops. :friends:



Yep your right there, the Chinese are building over 900 Coal fired power stations!!plus India is now taking off producing huge amounts of CO2. whats the percentage of Carbon footprints being produced by Britain in comparison ??About 2% of the worlds total. this is just another stinking Stealth tax imposed by New Labour. to pay for all the people flooding in, and to pay for this Ilegal war in Iraq. :lol::lol:



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And lets face it.....the muslims wouldn't have such a gripe if historcially we didn't keep trying to invade(unsuccesfully) there home countries for the last few thousand years to nick their natural resources.


well looks like they are getting some of there own back on that score .

and just like any one else who cant give a good reason for the troubles here you shout racist. bury your head if you like it wont go away.


merry xmas.

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And lets face it.....the muslims wouldn't have such a gripe if historcially we didn't keep trying to invade(unsuccesfully) there home countries for the last few thousand years to nick their natural resources



If we had not developed the "supposed home countries" their natural resource and main export would be SAND.




no such thing as a muslim country by the way, just countries that have muslims in them, its a belief not a birthright culture or nationality! just a belief albeit one that supports intolerance of other beliefs, faiths, and those want to "get on with things" unlike this thread which questions , or started to, our immigration policy.


cheers KW

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And lets face it.....the muslims wouldn't have such a gripe if historcially we didn't keep trying to invade(unsuccesfully) there home countries for the last few thousand years to nick their natural resources.


well looks like they are getting some of there own back on that score .

and just like any one else who cant give a good reason for the troubles here you shout racist. bury your head if you like it wont go away.


merry xmas.



I like many other make assumptions and reasonings on what I read....I have never met you and I am never likely to.....many many posters on this fine forum can articulate themselves well enough not to sound like a moron....in this case I do not think you achieve that(not everytime - I know you put a lot of entries on this forum that I enjoy reading). I very rarely use the term racist as I have many times in the past been accused of the same and scratched my head as to why... just my opinion in this case that you sound like one.....as for the reasons why this country is going to pot....i've already mentioned one....feral youth who gave us all the misfortune to be born in the first place(only a small percentage but still enough to make many lives a misery up and down the country).

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many many posters on this fine forum can articulate themselves well enough not to sound like a moron....in this case I do not think you achieve that


so lets bring the forum down to your levels shall we, you cant put up a reasonable argument so you resort to name calling.

very Adult.

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partly to blame however you missed or ignored? the fact that the main reason immigrants are tolerated in this country, is that "the need" for them is driven by employers wanting and getting CHEAP labour, nothing more nothing less.

cheers KW

Likewise you seem to have conveniently overlooked the fact they are in the main, reliable and very hardworking.

If they were useless no one would employ them, cheap or not. :friends:


Tracker, I am reliably informed their women have made a positive impression in the local lapdancing bar as well :lol:


sorry I have overlooked nothing! poles, romanians whatever work in the main hard (some dont) I have a friend who lives near warsaw she has lived in with my wifes sisters family for 4 years ( to pay for her education when she returns this year) she tells me that street crime in warswaw and the likes of krackow has dropped dramatically,why ? simple they are all in the more affluent parts of europe dipping for pounds and euro's rather than zloti's,


Now back to my point about employers fuelling immigration they ( the employers) want to pay the minimum they can legally ( and less if they can get away with it) oh and were not the chinese lot in morecambe bay good workers! poles etc can at our minumum wage still turn a better wage than average back home,problem is coming though, poland etc are now on the up living standards are rising and soon the economic migrants will clear off, to be replaced by the next influx, what then? we may get a situation where the "next lot" are not such good workers, then what do the employers do? oh they shout we want brit workers? you know the ones braned lazy **** who are expected to bring up families on just about five quid an hour do, see how many of you going on about lazy this idle brits that, would like to work god knows how many hours at a fiver an hour to support a family, I am fortunate I have always had a good job I have worked for the same company for 32 years, and yes I begrudge my tax which is @ 40% but I would rather support through my tax bill companies who pay a decent wage, rather than see my money squandered and taken out of the country supporting non residents, simply because fly by night employers would rather pay a fiver an hour to a "non resident good worker" ( while they can)

cheers KW




This is right when the economy turns and the country has gone into high unemployment again they will clear off back leaving us to build the country back up.

what would happen if poland had better paid jobs and we all went over there to work?

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what would happen if poland had better paid jobs and we all went over there to work?


The Polish shooting Forums would be full of Polish blokes moaning about the British Immigrants.


Sad thing is poland now has a shortage of tradesmen? so this is more than likely to happen, however they will get the albanians and turks 73 million muslims to be "integrated" if they become part of "europe" does not bear thinking about.


as for poland I have been to Poland a few of times, last trip was in november just gone, I was in warsaw and was shocked at the prices god knows how the average pole can afford to shop for decent brand clothes etc and electrical goods were all a good third more expensive than here.


seems to me that there are two standards of living out there either your very well off? or you are in abject poverty. nice country mind, and the south of the country in summer is fantastic,

cheers KW


oh and mark I know where you are coming from and agree 100% mate

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Ps......Global warming.....lets blame the Foreigners :friends:



death from below, surely not, nobody would be that .....................Ooooops. :friends:



Yep your right there, the Chinese are building over 900 Coal fired power stations!!plus India is now taking off producing huge amounts of CO2. whats the percentage of Carbon footprints being produced by Britain in comparison ??About 2% of the worlds total. this is just another Stealth tax imposed by New Labour. to pay for all the people flooding in, and to pay for this Ilegal war in Iraq. :lol::lol:

Good job you have the power to move members posts to a different time so it makes it out of context Ho Ho Ho, you are a clever bloke eh,Ho Ho Ho

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Ps......Global warming.....lets blame the Foreigners :friends:



death from below, surely not, nobody would be that .....................Ooooops. :friends:



Yep your right there, the Chinese are building over 900 Coal fired power stations!!plus India is now taking off producing huge amounts of CO2. whats the percentage of Carbon footprints being produced by Britain in comparison ??About 2% of the worlds total. this is just another Stealth tax imposed by New Labour. to pay for all the people flooding in, and to pay for this Ilegal war in Iraq. :lol::lol:

Good job you have the power to move members posts to a different time so it makes it out of context Ho Ho Ho, you are a clever bloke eh,Ho Ho Ho



The times on those posts are completely genuine, just go back and have a look.

We can't alter posts times and I certainly wouldn't be bothered to, even if we could.

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