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Foxing in the frost


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Hello folks just thought id share a pic of tonights fox with you.

My lamping destination was behind my mates garden in a couple of fields the reason for targeting this spot was that a fox was seen trying to dig into his chicken coop :o that didnt go down well with my mate so the fox was put on the hitlist :lol:

I went in on my own with the scopelight and backpack it was fairly awkward because i had a good few fences to get across but i battled on not seeing much in the first few fields i checked so i crossed a stream over a little wooden footbridge to the next patch of land-a big field with a nice hill overlooking it coming over the crest of the hill i spotted a bright pair of eyes looking back at me a quick check in the scope confirmed it was charlie so i got down and settled the crosshairs on it but the fox was moving the whole time as it was feeding and i just didnt get a chance to settle on its shoulder :lol: it was a long enough distance out(later ranged at 210yards)so i had to be steady i gave a quick squeal on the palm of my hand but it wasnt having any of it and went through the hedge and dissapeared :)


I stood back up and shone the lamp around to find i had a spectator sitting out in the next field to my right..... i got back down on the bipods and had a look through the scope all i could see was a shiny pair of eyes through the trees so i figured she was interested in the hand squeal so i continued calling and held the beam on the pair of eyes to track its progress she was coming in alright but started pacing up and down the fence to try to get into the field i was in i could see her in the scope plain as day struggling to squeeze through a gap in the fence and at last she was in my field she took a few steps out from the hedge and froze on the spot senseing something wasnt quite right....but at that stage it was to late for her i had the X well settled on her chest then squeezed instantly the fox collapsed then a loud sharp CRACK rang out into the distance followed by the dull thud :D it was a really nice vixon in her full winter coat the tip of her tail was covered in frost,i dont know why but i love shooting on the frosty nights :)


Bullet was a 45gr remington h.p distance to the fox was 117yrds according to the lecia.



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Well done Mark, a good read :lol:


How do you find mounting, aiming & shooting with I pressume one hand on the lamp whilst out alone?


Am I making my self clear :)


Cos I'm gonna have the same kind of set up as yourself, I've never tried holding the lamp while shooting its always been mounted on the scope.



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SS im pretty sure its scope mounted mate ,if you look towards the back of the scope you can just see the scope mount :lol:

Yep its mounted to the scope alright im getting good enough success with it so far some nights you can get a bit of glare from the light shining off the back of the mod but it was fine last night :)


thats some shooting eoin the tactical's are are great rifle and id say yours is actually lighter than mine with the smaller mod the t8 adds a fair bit of weight onto it :lol:


Lazza i think you hit the nail on the head :D it was seriously cold here this morning the temperature gauge in the car was reading -5 :o


Thanks for all the replies lads :)

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Well done Mark :lol: I enjoyed that read. Hate bloody fences, not as bad as stone walls with fences on top though :D


Would ye lads mind sending some foxes my way? Ta very much. :huh: Myself and Conor went out last night, after a play with the NV, and not even a false... No, I lie, there was one false alarm, a sheep :)

Thanks john :o Theres a load of foxes round my area still cant get over it this year theres a lot of spots i didnt get to try because of work(getting up early :) )so now the holidays have arrived i will have to catch up with a few of them :lol: Im putting up a pheasant pen on my land for around 100ish birds in febuary so im going to try and thin out the foxes here first.

Do you know what the story is with the winged vermin licence did that numpty Gormley sign it yet john?The boards has no info on the matter so you dont know really where you stand :lol:

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