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boxing day afternoon shoot


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Normally I go out with a few friends for a walk round on boxing day but this year we had some family staying over and some of the other guys wanted to go and support the local hunt at it‘s meet, so I decided to take the dogs for a walk round on my own in the afternoon. We were working along a marsh dyke when I notice that they were getting very interested. They kept holding their noses high in the air. I thought that any moment a pheasant was going to be flushed but suddenly Charlie broke cover about twenty yards away along a ditch that joined the one that we were on. The fox went off at high speed across three fields and into a wood. He’ll be around there again and so will I. As we continued I heard and saw a few swans making their way along the valley to a lake about a mile and a half away. Almost immediately as they arrived at the lake I could hear and see an amount of geese that had decided to leave the lake. I have seen geese fly out from there before but usually they take a route that is over half a mile west from where I was. I stood and watched as they got nearer wondering if, and when they would turn away to the west. As they got nearer and it became apparent that I might get a shot in and I started to fumble in the pocket for a couple of larger shot non toxic cartridges, telling the dogs to get IN and DOWN and trying not to go A*se over head down the steep ditch bank to retain a position that I could get a shot away if the opportunity arose. There must have been over 70 birds in the big wide V formation that came straight over me.

This was the result. I could have had another but one is enough plucking for me and I had nearly ¾ mile walk back to the car so it was just the one. Not bad for the 20 bore that I took for a gentle afternoon walk around. One more memory for the memory bank to hold.

Ps I did give it enough lead the blood on the body is from it's head where I folded it up to get it into the game bag.


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In the meantime I've replied to FM by pm about 20 bore cartridges and

things have moved on from above.

I believe that if you harvest stuff then some use should be made of it and not wasted.

This is my Boxing day goose. Soaked overnight in salt water to draw out the blood and then cooked in red wine glaze. Thin sliced. The meat is very similar in texture to a nice cut of beef.


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